All the news

Awards & nominations

Shadi Ibrahim named ACM Distinguished member

Shadi Ibrahim, an Inria researcher in the Myriads team, was named as “ACM Distinguished member” at the end of december 2022 for outstanding scientific contributions to computing. ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery), World’s Largest Computing Society Honors 2022 Distinguished Members for Ground-Breaking Achievements and Longstanding Participation. ACM has named 67 Distinguished Members [..]


Our expertise in the field of metavers requested by the CNPEN, the National Digital Ethics Steering Committee

At the beginning of 2023, our scientists welcomed the CNPEN - Comité National Pilote d'Ethique du Numérique - to present their research in the field of metavers The CNPEN is the pilot national committee for digital ethics, under the aegis of the CCNE (national consultative committee for ethics). Its role is to enlighten the public debate on the ethical issues of the digital age and to draft [..]


Olivier Commowick passed away

Inria pays tribute to Olivier Commowick, who passed away on 24 December 2022. Olivier Commowick, Inria researcher, defended his thesis in 2007 in the Asclepios project-team at Sophia, then did a post-doc at the Harvard Medical School before joining the Inria centre at the University of Rennes, within VISAGES and then Empenn. On December 24, 2022, Olivier left us at the end of an illness that he [..]

Voeux IRISA 2023 visuel

The members of IRISA wish you a wonderful year 2023!

In the press

Net neutrality in the face of network evolution

(in french only ) Un des principes moteurs de l’Internet est son « ouverture », ou sommairement son accès équitable pour tous à tous les services. Cette notion de « neutralité du Net » est vivement débattue à travers le monde depuis plus de 20 ans, et souvent considérée comme un acquis. Mais l’évolution des réseaux de communication pose de nouveaux défis pour ce principe fondateur. Doit-il être [..]

Awards & nominations
© Jean-Claude MOSCHETTI / IRISA / CNRS Photothèque

Advances in haptics research rewarded by the CNRS

Congratulations to Claudio Pacchierotti, winner of the CNRS bronze medal On Tuesday 29 November 2022, the CNRS Talents 2022 ceremony was held to reward those who contribute to the influence and progress of research. Congratulations to C laudio Pacchierotti, CNRS researcher in the Rainbow team, specialist in tactile haptics and portable interfaces. Claudio Pacchierotti's work focuses on the use of [..]

Awards & nominations

Claudio Pacchierotti, awarded the CNRS bronze Medal 2022

On Tuesday 29 November 2022, the CNRS Talents 2022 ceremony was held to reward those who contribute to the influence and progress of research. Congratulations to Claudio Pacchierotti, a researcher in haptics at IRISA, who was a warded the CNRS Bronze Medal. Discover his portrait (in french only) © Jean-Claude MOSCHETTI / IRISA / CNRS Photothèque

Awards & nominations
portrait  André Seznec @com Inria

André Seznec receives the Inria Innovation Award - Académie des sciences - Dassault Systèmes

Congratulations to André Seznec who receives this new award, proof of his expertise in the field of microprocessor architecture. André Seznec - Inria researcher, formerly head of the Architecture department at IRISA and member of the PACAP team - has been conducting research on microprocessor architecture for 40 years. He designed and built a first prototype of a matrix computation gas pedal. Then [..]