

Femmes & numérique : Ensemble, cassons les codes

The annual conference of the association "Femmes et numérique: ensemble, cassons les codes!" will take place on 18 November 2022 in Rennes. (in french only) Si dans de nombreuses disciplines scientifiques, la parité femmes-hommes est loin d’être acquise, les sciences du numérique se distinguent par la faiblesse extrême du nombre de femmes qui s’y engagent. Pourtant, cela n’a pas toujours été le [..]


Atelier MACLEAN "Machine Learning and computer vision in Earth Observation: Scientific results VS Industrial needs"

MACLEAN: "Machine Learning and computer vision in Earth Observation: Scientific results VS Industrial needs" During the joint CAp and RFIAP conferences to be held in Vannes on 5-8 July ( more information on these conferences), a workshop on machine learning and computer vision issues in the context of earth observation is planned for Tuesday 5 July. This workshop, organised with the support of the [..]


A premier forum for Systems Software research : EuroSys 22

EuroSys conference is a premier forum for discussing various issues of systems software research and development, including implications related to hardware and applications. The conference brings together professionals from academia and industry. It has a strong focus on systems research and development: operating systems, database systems, real-time systems, networked systems, storage systems [..]


Colloque Droit, IA et Santé

Colloque DRIAS (Droit, IA et Santé) du 21 au 22 juin en distanciel (conference only in french) "Regards croisés sur les responsabilités éthiques, juridiques et techniques dans l’usage des outils d’IA en Santé" Le développement des outils basés sur des techniques d’intelligence artificielle (ou outil d’IA) dans le domaine de la santé vise à l'amélioration des soins et du système de soins. Leur mise [..]

Visuel de la conférence sur la Gestion des données, journées francophone BDA

BDA 2020 Days: strong participation of our scientists

36th Conference on Data Management - Principles, Technologies and Applications: Discover the program Due to the current health situation and its multiple implications, the BDA 2020 conference will be online and free for everyone. Free registration is required.

Visuel avec titre des 2 colloques et logo CNRS

Health & Technology Meetings: DNA, polymers and big data - Brain-Computer Interfaces

Two colloquia co-organized by the CNRS (INSIS, INSB, INC, INS2I, INP, INSHS), the National Academy of Medicine and the Academy of Technology. The first meetings will focus on two areas whose recent developments are spectacular, and which have been the subject of recent reports from the Academies of Technology and Medicine: the storage of information at the molecular level on DNA as on other types [..]