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Awards & nominations
OBELIX team wins Günter Enderle award for best paper at Eurographics 2024 conference

OBELIX team wins Günter Enderle Best Paper Award

Congratulations to the OBELIX team on winning the annual Günter Enderle Best Paper Award for the best paper presented at the annual conference of Eurographics , the European association for computer graphics. The award-winning paper, entitled “ Non-Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling ”, was a collaborative effort between Nicolas Courty , (professor at the University of Southern Brittany [..]

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to Aurèle Barrière on winning the EAPLS Best Dissertation Award 2023

Congratulations to Aurèle Barrière Aurèle Barrière won the EAPLS Best Dissertation Award 2023 for his thesis entitled "Formal verification of just-in-time compilation" under the supervision of Professor Sandrine Blazy, by the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS). This award is given to the PhD student who has made the most original and influential contribution to the [..]

In the press
Avatars signant l'alphabet

Learning sign language using generative AI and 3D avatars

Faced with the accessibility problems affecting a growing number of deaf people, researchers are looking at new technologies for learning sign languages. In the digital field, research is currently focusing on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that can automatically translate written or spoken speech into sign language and vice versa, using avatars signing in 3D.... Read the rest of [..]


Do you have a thirst for science?

As part of the "Pint of Sciences" festival, come and meet our scientists ... Present in ten or so countries around the world and in over 40 towns and cities in France, the Pint of Science Festival brings together the general public and researchers in local bars to present research and science, and to popularise sometimes complex topical subjects. The last edition attracted over 9,000 participants [..]

Awards & nominations
La doctorante Elodie Germani souriante avec en main le Prix du meilleur Poster en imagerie médicale

Congratulations to Elodie Germani for her Best Poster Award at IABM 2024

Congratulations to Elodie Germani Elodie Germani, doctoral student at the University of Rennes and Empenn research member, has been awarded the Best Poster Award for her poster entitled " Predicting Parkinson’s disease trajectory with clinical and functional MRI features: a replication study ". It is also co-authored by Elisa Fromont (Professor at the University of Rennes) and Camille Maumet [..]

croquis enseignante près d'un étudiant

Around twenty positions to be filled

Within the framework of the synchronized recruitment campaign 2024 for junior or senior faculty members, IRISA is a host laboratory for around twenty positions , in association with partner training components. Consult the page


Cybersecurity and digital hygiene in everyday life: 129 best practices to protect yourself

L'hygiène informatique correspond aux gestes simples que tout un chacun doit mettre en œuvre, chaque jour, pour vivre serein dans un monde numérique et pour maintenir en pleine santé son système informatique (ordinateur, téléphone, tablette, etc.) : utiliser un antivirus, faire des sauvegardes, choisir un bon mot de passe... Cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux qui évoluent au cœur de ce monde [..]

croquis enseignante près d'un étudiant

Around twenty positions to be filled

Within the framework of the synchronized recruitment campaign 2024 for junior or senior faculty members, IRISA is a host laboratory for around twenty positions , in association with partner training components. Consult the page