Congratulations to Aurèle Barrière
Aurèle Barrière won the EAPLS Best Dissertation Award 2023 for his thesis entitled "Formal verification of just-in-time compilation" under the supervision of Professor Sandrine Blazy, by the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS).
This award is given to the PhD student who has made the most original and influential contribution to the area of Programming Languages and Systems and has graduated in 2023 at a European academic institute.
The jury considered Aurelius' thesis to be an outstanding piece of work, and here is a summary of the jury's conclusions:
- The application of formal verification methods to JIT is rarely heard before and is very challenging.
- The contribution of Aurèle Barriére shows for the first time how this can be achieved opening an avenue for applying and extending his work to current real-world programming languages and jit compilers.
- The thesis fills up an existing void between the theory and practice in the area.
- The thesis could already immediately be used as a textbook introducing the topic of just-in-time compilation and the formal verification of just-in-time compilers.
Aurèle Barrière was a doctoral student at IRISA in the Epicure research team, under the supervision of Sandrine Blazy and David Pichardie. Since 2023, Aurèle has been a post-doctoral fellow at EPFL (Switzerland).