All the news

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to our two doctors who received the Rennes 1 Foundation thesis prize

Congratulations to Daniel De Almeida Braga who was awarded the 1st prize for his thesis Daniel De Almeida Braga did his thesis in the EMSEC research team (which gave rise to Spicy ). Title of the thesis : Cryptography in the Wild: The Security of Cryptographic Implementations Thesis supervisors : Pierre-Alain FOUQUE, Professor at the University of Rennes and Mohamed SABT Lecturer at the University [..]

Lessons Learned in a Research Career in Computing, Data Science, and Management

Deborah Agarwal in our offices on 03 April

Deborah Agarwal, Research Director and Head of the Scientific Data Division Division at Lawrence Berkeley Lab (USA), will be awarded the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa* by the University of Rennes in early April. The day before this ceremony, Deborah Agarwal will honour us with a lecture on her experience in data science research in the service of physical and environmental sciences, on Monday [..]


Sandrine Blazy, winner of the CNRS silver medal 2023

Congratulations to Sandrine Blazy, Professor at Université de Rennes, specialist in software science and deputy director of IRISA. Sandrine Blazy's research is aimed at the development of secure software. Her contribution focuses on the computer tools that allow a written program to become executable: compilers. Read more on the CNRS website © Jean-Claude MOSCHETTI - CNRS-Photothèque


Introducing computer science research to secondary school students ...

For two days, from 8 to 10 February, Antoine, Emilien, Gaël, Ilyès, Marius, Rémi, Rose, Thaïs, Théophile and Timéo came to IRISA and the Inria centre at the University of Rennes for their observation period. To help them discover computer science research and its various professions, some fifteen people - researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers, doctoral students and administrative staff - [..]


Multiple perspectives offered by drone swarms

(In french only) Utiliser des flottes de drones pour l’observation ou la communication - mais aussi pour recharger à distance les batteries de réseaux d’objets connectés. L’idée, encore neuve, pourrait déboucher sur de multiples applications dans une foule de domaines - l’agriculture, l’industrie 4.0, la surveillance des océans, l’analyse des mouvements de foule, les secours en cas de catastrophe [..]

maud Marchal / INSA/FranckBoisselier

Congratulations to Maud Marchal for her ERC Consolidator Grant 2022

Maud Marchal is professor at INSA Rennes and researcher in the RAINBOW team For her project ADVHANDTURE, Maud Marchal received a Consolidator Grant. Maud is interested in the design of new haptic interfaces and associated algorithms to interact with virtual worlds. The main objective of her research activities is to improve 3D interaction with complex virtual environments by proposing new [..]

croquis enseignante près d'un étudiant. Texte: Join us

12 "MCF/PR" positions to be filled

Within the framework of the synchronized recruitment campaign 2023 for junior or senior faculty members, IRISA is a host laboratory for 12 MCF or PR positions , in association with partner training components. Consult the page

Awards & nominations

CompCert awarded by the prestigious Association for computing machinery (ACM)

The CompCert compiler has been awarded from the prestigious Association for computing machinery (ACM), for the second time CompCert is the first multi-architecture optimising compiler used in industry with a mathematical proof of correctness verified by computer. Developed by several researchers*, including Sandrine Blazy , Professor at the Université de Rennes, Deputy Director of IRISA and member [..]