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In the press

Imagine being able to touch and interact

Discover the research work carried out by Claudio Pacchierotti (CNRS researcher) and Maud Marchal (INSA professor), Guillaume Gicquel (CNRS research engineer) and Thomas Howard (CNRS post-doctoral student) members of the Rainbow research team, thanks to which touch should soon make its entry into virtual reality. Read the article "le Monde" (in french only) and on the CNRS website


IRISA, at the heart of mobilty issues in the Rennes metropolitan area

This Wednesday, June 9, holders, partners and academic team met face-to-face to sign the continuation for 3 more years (2021-2024) of the work of the Chair "Mobility in a sustainable city", created in 2017. This special time allowed them to discuss the issues at stake in the particular context of a pandemic that has caused a shock to mobility and accelerated the awareness of all actors on the [..]

Awards & nominations

Best paper award for DIONYSOS research team

DIONYSOS research team has won the Best Paper award, during the international conference IEEE HPSR 2021 (High Performance Switching and Routing), which was held in June at Paris. This prize is awarded to Anouar Rkhami , Yassine Hadjaj-Aoul , Gerardo Rubino et Abdelkader Outtagarts , for their paper " On the use of machine Learning and Network Tomography for Network Slices Monitoring ".

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to Mathieu Acher, appointed junior member of the IUF

Congratulations to Mathieu Acher, associate professor at Université de Rennes 1 and member of the Diverse research team, who has just been appointed junior member at the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), for scientific mediation. This nomination recognizes and supports the excellence of its research and dissemination activities in software science. Découvrez l'article "Mathieu Acher met en [..]

Awards & nominations

Congratulations to Mohamed Sabt and Gwendal Patat who make their appareance on the prestigious Google Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Mohamed Sabt , Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1, member of the EMSEC research team and Gwendal Patat, PhD who make their appareance on the prestigious Google Hall of Fame for their contribution to Android system security.

Awards & nominations
Paolo Robuffo Giordano

Congratulations to Paolo Robuffo Giordano, is among the most influential AI 2000 researchers in the field of robotics

AI 2000 Robotics Most Influential Scholars IRISA is proud to announce that Paolo Robuffo Giordano , CNRS research director and head og the Rainbow researc team is one of the « AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars Honorable Mention » in the field of Robotics. In addition to this distinction, Paolo is the only researcher representing a French institute! Congratulations to Paolo Robuffo Giordano. Paolo [..]


Colloque Droit, IA et Santé

Colloque DRIAS (Droit, IA et Santé) du 21 au 22 juin en distanciel (conference only in french) "Regards croisés sur les responsabilités éthiques, juridiques et techniques dans l’usage des outils d’IA en Santé" Le développement des outils basés sur des techniques d’intelligence artificielle (ou outil d’IA) dans le domaine de la santé vise à l'amélioration des soins et du système de soins. Leur mise [..]

In the press
Vote en présentiel dans une urne ©Shutterstock

Between transparency and confidentiality, is electronic voting viable?

In France, where the first lockdown was imposed immediately following the initial round of the 2020 municipal elections, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought remote electronic voting back to the forefront. Stéphanie Delaune (research director CNRS and member of EMSEC team) and Véronique Cortier (resarch director CNRS at Loria), specialists in cryptographic issues, shed light on the scientific [..]