Bust the Trust: Dissect and Analyze the Security and Privacy Impacts of the Widevine DRM

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IRISA Rennes

Opaque systems present a unique challenge for Digital Rights Management (DRM), with Widevine DRM as a key illustration. Despite its widespread usage, this DRM system has revealed significant vulnerabilities in protecting media content. In this thesis, we dissect Widevine inner working and analyze how this opacity hampers security for both companies and users. We explore its usage across OTT platforms, identifying barriers that prevent its full utilization. Privacy concerns are also addressed, as we investigate real problems due to browser misimplementation within DRM systems standardization by the W3C with the Encrypted Media Extension (EME) recommendation. These findings not only expose Widevine challenges but also signal future research avenues in the broader DRM landscape, emphasizing the need for transparency, security, and user-centric design.






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Composition du jury
Davide BALZAROTTI, Professeur, Eurecom, France
Jiska CLASSEN, Researcher, Hasso Plattner Institut, Allemagne
Pierre-Alain FOUQUE, Professeur, Université de Rennes, France
Harry HALPIN, Research Scientist, MIT, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Thomas JENSEN, Directeur de Recherche, INRIA, France
Romain ROUVOY, Professeur, Université de Lille, France
Mohamed SABT, Maître de Conférence, Université de Rennes, France