Range query processing over untrustworthy clouds

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IRISA Rennes
Van Hoang TRAN (Equipe SHAMAN)

Cloud computing has increasingly become a standard for saving costs and enabling elasticity. While cloud providers expand their services, concerns about the security of outsourced data hinder cloud technologies from a widespread adoption. To address it, encryption is usually used to protect confidential data stored and processed on untrustworthy clouds. Encrypting outsourced data however mitigates the functionalities of application since supporting some fundamental functions on encrypted data is still limited. This thesis focuses on the problem of supporting range queries over encrypted data stored on clouds. Many studies have been introduced in this line of work. Nevertheless, none of prior schemes exhibits satisfactory performances for modern systems, that require not only low-latency responses, but also high scalability. Particularly, most existing solutions suffer from either inefficient range query processing or privacy leaks. Even if some can achieve both strong privacy protection and fast processing, they do not satisfy scalability requirements, namely high ingestion throughput, practical storage overhead, and lightweight updates.

To overcome this limitation, we propose scalable solutions on secure range query processing while still preserving efficiency and strong security. Our contributions are: (1) We adapt one of the state-of-the-art solutions to the context of high rate of incoming data that often creates bottlenecks. In other words, we introduce and integrate the notion of index template into one of the state-of-the-art solutions so that it can cope with the target context. (2) We develop an intensive ingestion framework dedicated to secure range query processing on encrypted data. Particularly, we redesign the architecture of the first contribution to make it fully distributed. A data presentation and asynchronous method are then introduced. Together, they significantly increase the intake ability of the system. Besides, we adapt the framework to a stronger type of adversaries (e.g., online attackers) and enhance its practicality. (3) We propose a scalable scheme for private range query processing on outsourced datasets. This scheme addresses the need of a scalable solution in terms of efficiency, high security, practical storage overhead, and numerous updates, which can not be supported by existing protocols. To this purpose, we develop our solution relying on equal-size chunks (buckets) of data and secure indexes. The former helps to protect privacy of the underlying data from the adversary while the latter enables efficiency. To support lightweight updates, we propose to decouple secure indexes from their buckets by using use equal-size bitmaps.

Composition du jury
Rapporteurs :
Benjamin NGUYEN Professeur, INSA Centre Val de Loire
Caroline FONTAINE Directrice de Recherche, CNRS

Examinateurs :
David GROSS-AMBLARD Professeur, Université de Rennes 1
Ladjel BELLATRECHE Professeur, École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Directeur de thèse
Laurent d’ORAZIO Professeur, Université de Rennes 1

Tristan ALLARD Maître de Conférences, Université de Rennes 1