Teams of department D2

Teams Résumé Departments
ADOPNET ADOPNET : Advanced Technologies for Operated Networks. D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
E4SE The aim of the team is to ease development, deployment, evolution and maintenance of pervasive applications in complex environments with a strong focus on smart cities and smart agriculture. D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
ERMINE ERMINE : mEasuRing and ManagIng Network operation and Economic Networks are omnipresent and increasingly complex, and require an efficient management of their operations. The  team designs and analyzes procedures and policies for efficiently... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
INZU INZU : Opportunistic computing and networking for secure and reliable applications   The research activity of the INZU team is focused on opportunistic networks. These networks are composed of mobile nodes that communicate directly with each other... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
OCIF OCIF, Communicating Objects for the Future Internet The goal of this project is to define, evaluate and validate protocol architectures related to the Internet of Things, in order to integrate and evolve existing network models. Over the years, the... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services
SOTERN SOTERN, Self‐prOtecting The futurE inteRNet The Sotern team sets out to design, develop and validate methods and tools for the self-protection of the Future Internet. Self-protection is considered as the capability of systems to monitor, detect and... D2 - Networks, telecommunication and services