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Large quantities of stacked newspapers

Ouest-France, the CNRS and the University of Rennes are launching the first joint laboratory between a media organisation and academic research.

Synapse, the first joint laboratory combining a media organisation and academic research With the support of the French National Research Agency, Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes are launching Synapse, the first joint laboratory aimed to interconnect artificial intelligence, the media, press content, journalists and readers. Synapse will work towards quality journalism, offering [..]

image décorative

Artificial intelligence to improve number plate recognition and ticket processing’une meilleure lecture des plaques d’immatriculation et du traitement des contraventions

Artificial intelligence to improve number plate recognition and ticket processing Florent Meyer, a graduate of the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), joined IRISA in 2023. He is a doctoral student on a CIFRE thesis within the SHADoc research team and ANTAI, the public body in charge of the automated processing of offences. The subject of his thesis is image and text processing, and more [..]

Awards & nominations
Photo portrait d'Iris de Gélis

Second award for Iris de Gélis' thesis (Obélix)

In April 2023, Iris de Gélis was awarded the special mention of the AFRIF 2023 (Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l'Interprétation des Formes) thesis prize - see IRISA news. His thesis, Deep learning for change detection in 3D point clouds, has once again been recognized for its quality and scientific impact by the GdR CNRS MAGIS (see below). His dual axis in computer science and [..]

Awards & nominations
Photo Elodie Germani crédit Richard PAK and Clémence LOSFELD

Congratulations to Elodie Germani, winner of the L'Oréal-Unesco 2024 Young Talent Award for Women in Science

Among the 35 young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral students, IRISA is proud to have one of its doctoral students among the winners of the l'Oréal-Unesco Young Talent Award for Women in Science again this year, all from fields as diverse as medicine, biology, astronomy and computer science. Congratulations to Elodie Germani! Research at the frontier between medicine and computer [..]

Awards & nominations
Portait de Nicolas Keriven © Aude Hervouin 2024

Prestigieuse bourse ERC pour Nicolas Keriven, chercheur CNRS à l'IRISA

Winner of the prestigious ERC Starting Grant 2024, Nicolas Keriven, a CNRS researcher at IRISA, is tackling the development of new statistical learning theories dedicated to graph data with the MALAGA project “Reinventing Statistical Learning Theory on Large Graphs”. “ERC Starting Grant 2024” is the name of one of the grants offered by the European Research Council (ERC), which supports [..]

Awards & nominations
Antoine Chaffin - Atala 2024

Congratulations to Antoine Chaffin, winner of the ATALA 2024 Thesis Prize

Congratulations to Antoine Chaffin, winner of the ATALA 2024 thesis prize Antoine Chaffin, a former doctoral student at IRISA, is the winner of the Atala 2024 thesis prize. ATALA is the scientific association dedicated to the advancement of Automatic Language Processing in France. Antoine's thesis, entitled " Multimodal misinformation detection overcoming the training data collection challenge [..]

Awards & nominations

Sampling non-Euclidean geometries using optimal transport

At the major computer graphics conference Eurographics 2024, held in Limassol (Cyprus) from 22 to 26 April 2024, the Günter Enderle prize for the best paper was awarded to the work led by David Coeurjolly, CNRS research director at LIRIS, Nicolas Courty, professor at the Université de Bretagne Sud and member of IRISA, and Baptiste Genest, student at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. The study [..]

Awards & nominations
Portrait de Shashanka et logo de la conférence ICLR

Congratulations to Shashanka Venkataramanan for his Best paper

Congratulations to Shashanka Venkataramanan, an Inria CIFRE doctoral student in the Linkmedia research team, who received an honorable mention for his publication : " Is ImageNet worth 1 video? Learning strong image encoders from 1 long unlabelled video" co-authored with Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Joao Carreira, Yuki M Asano, Yannis Avrithis at ICLR 2024 - International Conference on Learning [..]