Faced with the accessibility problems affecting a growing number of deaf people, researchers are looking at new technologies for learning sign languages. In the digital field, research is currently focusing on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that can automatically translate written or spoken speech into sign language and vice versa, using avatars signing in 3D....
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The research of Sylvie Gibet, Professor at the University of Southern Brittany and member of the Expressio team, focuses on the modelling, analysis and generation of expressive gestures using artificial intelligence methods and animated virtual agents. She is more specifically interested in gestures characterised by strong semantics, notably sign language gestures or musical gestures such as percussion or conductor gestures.
The SignToKids project is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR)
crédit photo : Grâce à de l'intelligence artificielle, des « avatars signant » peuvent communiquer en langue des signes et produire des ressources numériques pour les personnes sourdes. Avatar conçu par 3DPro et images extraites du logiciel développé par Motion-Up, Fourni par l'auteur
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