

Discover five original artistic creations between an artist and a researcher

Discover five original artistic creations that bring together artists and scientists on Tuesday 27 June The artistic world and computer science research, two universes that do not often cross paths or not enough. The Arts, Culture & Heritage Axis of IRISA organised a call for projects entitled "1 artist, 1 researcher", the aim of which was to propose an artistic and/or scientific project in free [..]


ICT4S, an international conference that brings together different audiences around ICT & Sustainability

For the first time, ICT4S is organised in France, in Rennes, from 5 to 10 June 2023 ICT4S - The International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability - is an annual international conference devoted to covering all types of research, developments, and applications of ICT to support sustainability. The conference, crossroads of new technologies and sustainable [..]

Affiche de la conférence-débat 40ans d'Internet

Come to the Conference and debate on the "Genesis of the Internet - Current Issues".

À l’occasion des 40 ans d’Internet, venez assister à la Conférence et au débat sur la « Genèse d’Internet— Enjeux actuels » (in french only) Organisée par Armorhistel, en partenariat avec l’IRISA et Orange, cette conférence présentera la genèse de ce magnifique outil, utilisé quotidiennement par des milliards de personnes (retour sur les 25 années qui ont précédé sa naissance officielle en 1983) [..]

Lessons Learned in a Research Career in Computing, Data Science, and Management

Deborah Agarwal in our offices on 03 April

Deborah Agarwal, Research Director and Head of the Scientific Data Division Division at Lawrence Berkeley Lab (USA), will be awarded the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa* by the University of Rennes in early April. The day before this ceremony, Deborah Agarwal will honour us with a lecture on her experience in data science research in the service of physical and environmental sciences, on Monday [..]

visuel ECW 22

Workshop "Implementation of post-quantum cryptography"

IRISA is a partner of the EUROPEAN CYBER WEEK, the unmissable cybersecurity event in France. In the continuity of the 2021 edition, the DGA - Information Management, IRMAR and IRISA labs co-organize with the support of the Pôle d'excellence cyber, the Creach Labs, the CNRS and Inria, the second edition of the days on "Implementation of post-quantum cryptography". The objective of these days is to [..]

Laval Virtual Europe

Meet our scientists at Laval Virtual Europe

Meet our scientists A real meeting place for the major players in virtual and augmented reality: start-ups, investors, large groups, users and suppliers. For 3 days, the whole community will be gathered to discover the latest innovations in immersive technologies. Inria will present « The Virtual Us /alter-egos virtuels » On the Destination Rennes stand, Inria will present "The Virtueal Us/alter [..]

Gilles Muller

Tribute to Gilles Muller, Monday 04 April at 1:30 pm

Monday 04 April - in the amphithéâtre Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique - a tribute to Gilles Muller will take place Day's program Open to all but registration required Gilles Muller began his studies in math/physics at Paris 6 in 1980. Based on happy childhood memories of sailing in Brittany and a fervent desire to escape punched cards, in 1982 he transferred to INSA Rennes, which was specialized [..]

Titre "Hack the fog!" logo Fogguru et chien devant un écran

63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed during the FogGuru’s hackathon Hack the Fog!

The hackathon "Hack the Fog" is the event to promote the results of the European project FogGuru, coordinated by the Université de Rennes 1 A week ago (March 16-28), for more than 48 hours, 63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed in the international hackaton #HackTheFog, a contest to develop an application prototype that improves the sustainability of La Marina de [..]