Awards & nominations

Awards & nominations
trophée du prix

A "distinguished paper Award" in secutiry for the Sipy research team

For its 35th edition, three members of the Spicy team distinguished themselves once again at the CSF 2022 - IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, held in Haifa, Israel, last August. Congratulations to David Baelde (ENS Rennes professor and Spicy team member), Stéphanie Delaune (CNRS research director and Spicy team leader), Solène Moreau (former Spicy team doctoral student and now Inria [..]

Awards & nominations
Portrait N. Markey et logo de la conférence ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

Congratulations to Nicolas Markey, winner of the Test-of-time award at the LICS 2022 conference

Congratulations to Nicolas Markey, winner of the Test-of-time at the LICS 2022 conference Congratulations to Nicolas Markey, who won the Test-of-Time award at the Logic in Computer Science (LICS) conference, which was held for its 37th edition in Haifa, Israel, in early August. The L LICS — Logic in Computer Science conference is the most prestigious annual forum on theoretical and practical [..]

Awards & nominations

The first post-quantum cryptographic algorithms are known

Once operational, the quantum computer will sweep away all the principles on which cryptography is currently based. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched a call for papers in 2016 to find algorithms capable of withstanding it. Of the four post-quantum resistant cryptographic algorithms selected by the NIST, Falcon is one of them, a model co-developed by Thales, IBM [..]

Awards & nominations

Outstanding Paper Award for Nicolas Bellec, PhD, PACAP team

Congratulations to Nicolas Bellec, PhD in PACAP research team, who received an Outstanding Paper Award at the international conference 34th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2022) at Modena (Italy). This prize awards the paper " RT-DFI: Optimizing Data-Flow Integrity for Real-Time Systems " and written with Guillaume Hiet (CIDRE team), Simon Rokicki (TARAN team), Frédéric Tronel [..]

Awards & nominations

2nd Fondation Rennes 1 Thesis Prize for Katharina BOUDGOUST

The Rennes 1 Foundation awarded its thesis prizes to 8 PhDs from the University of Rennes 1 on Monday 4 July Congratulations to Katharina BOUDGOUST who completed her thesis in the EMSEC (now CAPSULE) research team. Thesis Director: Pierre-Alain FOUQUE and Adeline ROUX-LANGLOIS The purpose of the Rennes 1 Foundation "Progress, Innovate, Undertake" is to bring the University of Rennes 1 closer to [..]

Awards & nominations
ICSE 2022

Accelerating software configuration space study through incremental build

Accelerating software configuration space study through incremental build The transition from software code to a working runnable software artefact goes through a build, which makes it an absolutely crucial step in software development. Different types of builds are available, such as incremental builds, which intrigue researchers from the DIVERSE team., at IRISA Research Laboratory, CNRS/Univ [..]

Awards & nominations
logo ICSR

Congratulations to the DIVERSE team for their award at ICSR 2022

Congratulations to Xhevahire Tërnava, Mathieu Acher, Luc Lesoil, Arnaud Blouin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel front DIVERSE research team They received the Best Paper Award for their publication "Scratching the Surface of configure: Learning the Effects of Compile-Time Options on Binary Size and Gadgets" presented at the 20th international conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR 2022), which took [..]

Awards & nominations
© B. Fourrier - INRIA

Congratulations to Claudio Pacchierotti, CNRS Bronze Medal 2022

Congratulations to Claudio Pacchierotti, CNRS Bronze Medal 2022, member of the Rainbow research team Enabling physical interaction with a virtual or remote object is the challenge of Claudio Pacchierotti's work, which focuses on the use of haptics, the science that explores and exploits touch, for interaction with robotic and virtual reality systems. After a PhD in engineering at the University of [..]