Awards & nominations

Awards & nominations

Claudio Pacchierotti, awarded the CNRS bronze Medal 2022

On Tuesday 29 November 2022, the CNRS Talents 2022 ceremony was held to reward those who contribute to the influence and progress of research. Congratulations to Claudio Pacchierotti, a researcher in haptics at IRISA, who was a warded the CNRS Bronze Medal. Discover his portrait (in french only) © Jean-Claude MOSCHETTI / IRISA / CNRS Photothèque

Awards & nominations
portrait  André Seznec @com Inria

André Seznec receives the Inria Innovation Award - Académie des sciences - Dassault Systèmes

Congratulations to André Seznec who receives this new award, proof of his expertise in the field of microprocessor architecture. André Seznec - Inria researcher, formerly head of the Architecture department at IRISA and member of the PACAP team - has been conducting research on microprocessor architecture for 40 years. He designed and built a first prototype of a matrix computation gas pedal. Then [..]

Awards & nominations
De gauche à droite : Florian Nouviale (ingénieur de recherche INSA), Valérie Gouranton et Bruno Arnaldi (enseignants-chercheurs INSA/ IRISA)

Virtual Reality, 3 scientists from IRISA rewarded for the creation of the Xareus software

The Valorisation trophies of the Rennes Innovation Campus reward Bruno ARNALDI, Valérie GOURANTON (INSA teacher-researchers) and Florian NOUVIALE (INSA research engineer) for the Xareus software, a tool to help the programming of virtual reality applications. A simplification that allows to graphically program a scenario or to display the possible interactions between compatible virtual objects [..]

Awards & nominations

A research team scrutinise cryptographic protocols

(in french only) Plutôt que de réparer incessamment des failles de sécurité une fois qu’elles ont été exploitées par un attaquant, il est possible de réduire ces risques en aidant les cryptographes à les détecter en amont grâce à des outils de vérification de protocoles. C’est l’objet des recherches en cybersécurité d'une équipe de scientifiques* dont les travaux ont été récompensés par un [..]

Awards & nominations
Photo du trophée en plaque

IRISA's Gender Equality and anti-harassment committees receive the Minerva Informatics Equality Award

The Minerva Informatics Equality* prize was awarded on Tuesday, October 25 to IRISA's Gender Equality and anti-harassment committees This prize rewards all the work and actions implemented by these two committees: the Gender Equality Committee created to encourage and support women's careers in computer science research and teaching. And the anti-harassment commmittee(founded after the first one) [..]

Awards & nominations

Walter Rudametkin, membre junior de l'Institut universitaire de France

Congratulations to Walter Rudametkin who has been elected Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Walter Rudametkin is a professor at the Université de Rennes 1 (ESIR) since October 1st and conducts his research in the Diverse team. Specialised in the study and fight against Internet tracking, Walter Rudametkin has been running the Am I Unique website since 2014, which details our [..]

Awards & nominations
image Oakland Center, MI, USA + cocarde awarde

Congratulations for the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper Award obtaint by the research team Diverse

Congratulations to Quentin le Dilavrec, Djamel Eddine Khelladi, Arnaud Blouin and Jean-Marc Jézéquel for the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper Award Congratulations to Quentin Le Dilavrec (Phd student, Université de Rennes 1), Djamel Eddine Khelladi (research CNRS), Arnaud Blouin (Associate professor, INSA Rennes) et Jean-Marc Jézéquel (Professor, Université de Rennes 1) who received the ACM SIGSOFT [..]

Awards & nominations

Congratulations on receiving the best paper in energy efficiency at GreenCom 2022, in the Myriads team

Congratulations to Adrien Gougeon (Phd Student ENS Rennes), François Lemercier (associate professor CNRS), Anne Blavette (researcher CNRS, SATIE), Anne-Cécile Orgerie (research director CNRS), members of the research team Myriads, for their article " Influence of Communication Technologies in Smart Grid Power Congestion Management" for which they received a Best paper Award at 18th IEEE [..]