Engineer position: Integration and development of applications using an MRI and EEG compatible NIRS system to explore brain function

Submitted by Isabelle COROUGE on
Type de contrat
Corps / Catégorie
Equipe de recherche
The Neurinfo platform and the Empenn U1228 research team are seeking an engineer with
motivation in neuroimaging to set-up, develop and operate a software platform using a near infrared
spectroscopy (NIRS) system in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Electroencephalography (EEG)
compatible environment design.
The objective of this project is to extend our technological capabilities toward NIRS-EEG-MRI
simultaneous imaging. A first step is to exploit a NIRS device, develop applications and analysis
pipelines to record the brain activity in and outside MRI. In the scope of the project, novel
computational/statistical models, signal processing, empirical protocols and visualizations will be
proposed and studied, partly via their computational implementations, tested on healthy controls and
later in clinical protocols in patients.

The NIRS system allows to indirectly measure the brain activity through hemodynamic responses
associated with neuron behaviour. The system is compatible with an electroencephalography (EEG)
device to measure cerebral electrical activity and with an MRI system to measure brain anatomy and
function. EEG and fNIRS systems are portable devices that can be used outside of MRI in free
movement. A wearable multichannel fNIRS-EEG device can provide a continuous recording of brain
activity. Thus, in addition to the MRI device available on the Neurinfo platform, these fNIRS-EEG
devices provide two simultaneous and complementary measurements of brain activity when used
outside MRI. It is the first equipment of its kind in western France, and even a unique set of equipment
in France (and probably also in Europe), combining EEG-NIRS outside and under MRI.
This work will benefit from research-dedicated 3T MRI and EEG/MRI compatible system provided
by the Neurinfo platform on which these new research protocols will be set up
( The experimental part will be conducted in close collaborations with the
engineering staff of Neurinfo, and the clinical departments of Radiology, Rehabilitation and Psychiatry
of the Hospitals of Rennes.
The engineer will be affiliated to the Empenn U1228 unit. The Empenn research group is jointly
affiliated with Inria, Inserm (National Institute of Health and Scientific Research), CNRS (INS2I
institute), and University of Rennes I. It is a team of IRISA/UMR CNRS 6074. Empenn is based
in Rennes, at both the medical and science campuses. The team is dedicated to fostering research in
medical imaging, neuroinformatics and population cohorts. In particular, the Empenn team targets the
detection and development of imaging biomarkers for brain diseases and focuses its efforts on
translating this research to clinics and clinical neurosciences at large. The Empenn group operates the
Neurinfo imaging facility in the context of a partnership with the University Hospital of Rennes, Inria,
the CNRS, and the Cancer Research Center.

The selected engineer will collaborate with the other members of the team in specifying and
designing an integrative software architecture that allows the integration of NIRS measurements
potentially acquired jointly with fMRI and/or EEG. The significance and the effectiveness of the
computational platform will be tested through a large set of local in vivo experiments (normal controls,
psychiatric disorders, stroke patients…). Further, the selected tenure may be requested to implement
additional data processing algorithms, software components and computational improvements as
needs arise from the research progress.

Profil / Compétences
The ideal applicant should have a strong background in computational sciences, image and signal
processing, biophysics and statistics. A very good practice in programming, especially in Matlab and/or
Python is required.
Diplôme requis
Lieu de travail
Date prévisionnelle d'embauche
Date limite de candidature
Durée du contrat (en mois)
The position is opened for an initial period of 12 months, renewable for one year, with a range of net salary
starting from 2000 € per month, according to experience.
Salaire brut mensuel
Applicants should send their complete application package by email to Elise Bannier (, Emmanuel Caruyer ( and Isabelle Corouge (
The application package will include:
• Motivation letter
• Complete CV
• Recommendation letters would be welcome (preferably directly sent by the mentor).