Practical guide: Cyber Research Cluster's thesis scholarship campaign

To respond to the call for applications for the 2021 thesis scholarships of the Cyber Research Cluster common with the Region of Brittany and the EUR CyberSchool, project leaders must submit their pre-application file on the extranet of the Region of Brittany, then, once the submission is made, download their file in PDF version which will be sent to the  karine [*] chatelatuniv-rennes1 [*] fr (Pôle de recherche cyber) along with the CV of the thesis director.

The guide below aims to help project leaders to complete and submit their pre-application for a thesis grant "PEC/DGA", ARED arrowed "Breizh Cyber Valley", "EUR CyberSchool" on the extranet of the Brittany Region.

for the call for applications for thesis grants from the cyber 2021 research cluster

Logos PEC, Region Bretagne, et Ministère des Armées