WedoLow, a start-up created in April 2022, offers a code optimization software solution for greater digital sobriety. It's the result of an innovative idea developed jointly by Justine Bonnot, PhD and engineer in electronics and industrial computing at INSA Rennes, Olivier Sentieys, professor at the University of Rennes and researcher at IRISA/Inria, and Daniel Ménard, professor at INSA Rennes and the IETR laboratory. All three were awarded the Valorisation* prize for this technology transfer.
WedoLow now has 14 employees, and offers a software suite for optimizing application source codes for the automotive, space and robotics industries. By reducing code size and increasing execution speed, these solutions enable customers to reduce the energy consumption of their embedded or hosted applications.
Read the article : https://www.univ-rennes.fr/actualites/trophees-valorisation-prix-numerique
* Université de Rennes 2023 Innovation Campus Valorisation Awards: this event promotes the work of research players in the Rennes area by rewarding public-private partnerships and technology transfer initiatives. Six prizes were awarded on November 21, 2023 at a ceremony organized by the University of Rennes and SATT Ouest Valorisation: five linked to the strategic innovation areas of the new university innovation cluster, and a sixth, presented at the initiative of the Region Bretagne.