On Thursday 05 May, come and discover and play the game of paume in virtual reality.
As part of "La Semaine du Jeu", IRISA invites you to discover and play a game "jeu de paume" in virtual reality on Thursday 5 May, from 10am to 4pm.
The project around the game of paume follows on from a collaboration between the Hybrid team and the Inrap, which carried out excavations on the site of the salle du jeu de paume in Rennes and which resulted in a reconstruction of the building as it was in the 17th century, where the game can be experienced against a virtual opponent. It is continuing within the framework of a project financed by the EUR Digisport, in collaboration with the team of the Rennes jeu de paume and the national committee of the game of short paume, in order to propose a more accomplished virtual reality palm court simulator, intended for the preservation of this historical sport, its promotion, and the initiation to its practice
Attention, this event is free but registration is required

"What if we took science and scientists out of the lab and into the pubs" is the concept of the Pint Of Science Festival! Present in some twenty countries around the world and in more than 24 cities in France, this international festival will take place in Rennes from 9 to 11 May 2022.
(event in french only)
This year again, IRISA is associated with the Pint Of Science Festival and more particularly with the 09th and 10th May at Checkpoint Bar, 27 rue Legraverend, Rennes 35000
Monday 09 May: Digital technology and society, what impact?
The impact of digital technology on the environment by Olivier Ridoux Lecturer and researcher at the University of Rennes 1, member of the SemLis team.
In 80 years, computers have seen their performance increase prodigiously, including energy efficiency. And yet, the impact of these devices has only increased and is now approaching that of civil aviation, to which it has become common to turn a blind eye. Should the calculators be given the stink eye?
Evolution and emergence of cyber attacks by Diane Leblanc-Albarel and Gwendal Patat, young researchers in the Spicy research team
The constant evolution of computing is closely followed by the evolution and emergence of new attackers. Cyber attacks are multiplying and affecting hospitals, banks, companies but also individuals. What loopholes are cybercriminals exploiting and will exploit? What can we do about it? And what are the current research challenges to protect us in the future?
Attention, this event is free but registration is required
Wednesday 11 May: Virtual Reality: Virtualising the New World
Virtualising our reality in order to improve it: this is the role of researchers using virtual reality. From the study of human interaction to the perception of our environment, VR is a powerful tool that is increasingly becoming part of our reality. Julien Pettre, Inria research director and member of the Rainbow team
It has not been easy lately to conduct research on crowds, in concert halls, train stations and stadiums. What could be more tempting then than to immerse someone in a virtual crowd to observe and understand what they are doing there? I will explain the process of crowd modelling and simulation, the increasingly prominent role that data plays in it and the use we make of virtual reality to collect it. Our ultimate concept? Crowd-man, or how to create crowdsourced datasets, alone, confined to his lab.
Attention, this event is free but registration is required