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Back to REDOCS, Rencontre Entreprises DOCtorants en Sécurité

Organised by the GDR Sécurité Informatique , " REDOCS " Rencontre Entreprises DOCtorants en Sécurité offers doctoral students, in their second or third year or recently graduated, the opportunity to confront real problems and meet professionals at the frontiers of IT security research. During the sixth edition, which took place from 25-29 October 2021 in Marseille, three companies ( Airbus , CNIL [..]

nuage informatique sur fond d'herbes

Green IT... less trendy?

The Internet is increasingly spreading around the world, connecting more and more objects. (conference in french only) Ceux-ci s'appuient sur des services informatiques hébergés dans des grands centres de calcul tout autour du globe et utilisant souvent eux-mêmes de nombreux autres services informatiques et une multitude d’équipements numériques. Combien d’énergie consomment toutes ces [..]

Titre revue de presse. Image de fond caméra et journaux

Retrospective of articles published in the press and various media.

When the press and the media talk about IRISA, we are talking about cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, mobility or health..... To be read or reread in the 2021 press review

Awards & nominations
Portrait Rebecca Fribourg

Congratulations to Rebecca Fribourg, who receives the Gilles Kahn Thesis Award for her thesis at IRISA

Congratulations to Rebecca Fribourg, who receives the Gilles Kahn Thesis Award for her thesis at IRISA "Contribution of the study of factors influencing the sense of embodiment towards avatars in virtual reality Rebecca Fribourg was a PhD student at IRISA in the Hybrid and Mimetic team. Since September 2021, Rebecca is an associate professor at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, in the laboratory AAU [..]

In the press

A team of researchers from IRISA detect and classify malware on the Raspberry Pi

A team of researchers (Annelie Heuser, Duy Phuc Pham, Damien Marion, Matthieu Mastio) has released a new paper detailing how to classify malware on the Raspberry Pi via electromagnetic (EM) waves. Publications scientifiques : Quelqu'uns des articles dans la presse : https://www [..]

Portrait Dominique Lavenier, CNRS - IRISA

Genomic computing on "Processing-in-Memory" architectures

Dominique LAVENIER, CNRS research director at IRISA, explains the basis of this European project focused on the rapid in situ exploitation of genomic data. Read the INS2I article Read the INS2I article (in French)

Awards & nominations

Louis Couturat National Logic Prize

Congratulations to Guillaume Aucher (Associate Professor Université de Rennes 1) who was awarded the Louis Couturat National Logic Prize 2021 for his paper "On the Universality of Atomic and Molecular Logics via Protologics". His paper will be published in the journal Logica Universalis. Guillaume Aucher will participate in the next UNILOG conference to be held in Crete in April 2022. During this [..]

Voeux IRISA 2022. Bretagne colorée de visages des membre de l'IRISA avec géolocalisation des sites de Rennes, Lannion et Vannes

All the members of IRISA wish you a vitamin-rich and joyful year 2022!