Applications continue to have stringent needs in terms of computing resources for faster executions. This led to the advent of specific devices such as accelerators or processing in memory (PIM) components to meet the diverse requirements of applications. Thus, servers' operating systems face several heterogeneous components and must manage data copies between the host and heterogeneous devices' memory. To reduce and simplify the cost of accessing remote memory (devices' memory other than the host memory), the industry is converging towards a cache-coherent protocol: Compute Express Link (CXL). CXL's goal is to expose devices' memory over the PCI addressable space so that CPUs can issue direct read and write operations. CXL-capable devices started to ship in November 2022 despite being discussed since 2020.
However, changes required to applications for supporting CXL are not yet known, and it is difficult to leverage the potential of CXL fully. We claim that this difficulty is due to lack to (1) a lack of intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that user-space applications can use, (2) a lack of comprehension regarding the use cases where CXL can improve performance, and (3) no understanding of the potential compute overhead of using CXL.
The main aim of the Ph.D. is to leverage all the potential brought by the CXL feature. The objective is to facilitate the adoption of CXL for user space applications by providing a set of a handful of information and features to fully express their needs depending on their context. Our key insight is that a comprehensive analysis of benefits overhead coupled with a tuned user-friendly interface will ease its adoption. Thus, our starting point is to perform an intensive overhead of CXL in different contexts to highlight improvements and also overhead in terms of performance and computing resources used. The output of this evaluation will be the different use cases where CXL can be helpful with minimal overhead. Based on these results, we will proceed to design and implement user space interfaces that match applications' needs to easily leverage and fully use CXL while abstracting its low-level complexity. We intend to test the resulting interface on several real-world applications deployed on simulated and real datacenter test beds.
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