This year, more than 500,000 students from general and technological seconde were required to do an observation internship in professional environment.
In response to this new demand, scientists have agreed to host interns within several research teams. The aim being to enable these young people to discover the exciting world of computer science research.

Reception on Beaulieu Campus
Last June, the Shadoc, Lacodam, Dyliss and GenOuest research teams welcomed a dozen interns for a week. The students, divided between the different teams, explored various facets of computer science, such as artificial intelligence, image and language processing, bioinformatics and an introduction to system and network administration on the GenOuest platform.
Under the supervision of Yann Soullard, Elisa Fromont, Luis Galarraga-Del-Prado, Stéphanie Robin and Olivier Dameron, among others, the interns were also introduced to the theoretical foundations and practical applications of research through a series of presentations, discussions and interactive workshops.
A collective approach that created an environment conducive to discovering the work of scientists within the IRISA.
Initiative on IMT Atlantique Campus
On IMT Atlantique Campus, the reception of high school students was coordinated by Hélène Le Bouder, teacher-researcher and member of the OCIF team. For two weeks, a group of teacher-researchers, doctoral students, engineers and many other collaborators took part in this initiative. The aim of this approach was to offer students a rewarding experience while raising their awareness of the omnipresent technologies in their daily lives.
Thanks to this mobilization, these numerous actions made it possible to organize a successful welcome and offer a formative experience, helping high school students to better understand the challenges of current research projects and the opportunities offered by computer science and information technologies field.