Launch of the acceleration strategy to develop cybersecurity, with Gildas Avoine appointed CNRS scientific leader of PEPR

Submitted on 10/03/2021

Gildas Avoine, Professor INSA Rennes is appointed CNRS scientific leader of « Programme et équipements prioritaires de recherche » (PEPR).

Cybersecurity is a major issue of the 21st century!
Cybersecurity is not only a question of national security, but also of the sustainability of business development and the safety of citizens. Stakes, made even more visible during the health crisis and the amplification of teleworking. The number of cases of cyberattacks (ransomware) that have been reported to thel'Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (Anssi), has increased fourfold since 2019, sometimes severely paralyzing companies and public services.

To address this threat, the government has announced the cybersecurity acceleration strategy, included in the PIA4 (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir).
This plan, with a total of €1 billion, including €720 million in public funding, aims to build a true cybersecurity ecosystem, with the goal of developing markets (tripling the industry's turnover by 2025), technologies and services dedicated to this field.

Gildas Avoine

This strategy for accelerating cybersecurity includes a major research program, worth 65 million euros, which will be led by CNRS, Inria and CEAGildas Avoine, a professor at INSA Rennes, a member of IRISA and director of the Groupement de Recherche Sécurité Informatique, has been appointed CNRS scientific leader for the "Programme et équipements prioritaires de recherche" (PEPR) dedicated to this field.

" By strengthening links between research and industry, and identifying needs, the goal is to create innovation and new technologies.  Research has a full place in this market development process by transforming knowledge into innovation. 65 million euros will be dedicated to research, it is a significant lever to achieve innovations" Gildas Avoine.

A dozen priority projects have been identified, projects that "have a consensus in the scientific community", and should be unveiled shortly ...
IRISA, with its research teams dedicated to cybersecurity and Gildas Avoine CNRS pilot of PEPR, is at the heart of this strategy to accelerate cybersecurity.

The PEPR Cybersecurity in a few words by Gildas Avoine: interview in French with the CNRS

To know more (CNRS article - in french)