Piloting the house connected by the brain

Submitted on 19/06/2020
Personne dans un fauteuil équipée d'un masque de réalité augmentée
Personne dans un fauteuil équipée d'un masque de réalité augmentée

Can we turn off the light or zap from one TV channel to another simply by brain activity?

As part of its research platform on the connected home, Orange Labs is beginning to explore the potential of neural interfaces... Science fiction? Not quite anymore.
When the brain makes a decision, neurons produce electrical impulses.
An electroencephalographic headset can pick up these signals on the scalp. In a still rudimentary way, scientists are now able to interpret the signal and then transform it into a command line. This is called a brain-computer interface (BCI).

For the past 15 years, the Hybrid research team has been designing algorithms to improve the computer processing of this brain signal. This work has given rise to OpenViBE, a software platform that is now used worldwide to develop BCI applications.
It is this know-how that interests Orange Labs....Read the rest of the article (in french) in Emergences Inria