E. Rutten, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. An experiment with reactive data-flow tasking in active robot vision. Software: Practice & Experience, 27(5):599-621, Mai 1997.
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We present an experiment of the synchronous approach to reactive systems programming, and particularly the SIGNAL language, applied to a significant problem in robot vision: active visual reconstruction. This application consists of the specification of a system dealing with various domains such as robot control, computer vision and transitions between different modes of control. It illustrates the adequacy in such domains of SIGNAL, a data flow programming language and environment. The SIGNAL programming environment features tools for formal specification, analysis, consistency checking and code generation. SIGNAL and its language-level extension for task preemption SIGNAL GTi are used at the different levels of the application: data-flow function for the camera motion control (visual servoing), reconstruction method (in parallel to visual servoing, involving the dynamical processes), and reconstruction of complex scenes (with transitions between several robotics tasks). The combination of these levels constitutes a hybrid behavior with (sampled) continuous and discrete transitions. These techniques are validated experimentally by an implementation on a robotic cell
Éric Marchand
François Chaumette
Author = {Rutten, E. and Marchand, E. and Chaumette, F.},
Title = {An experiment with reactive data-flow tasking in active robot vision},
Journal = {Software: Practice & Experience},
Volume = { 27},
Number = {5},
Pages = {599--621},
Month = {May},
Year = {1997}
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