The next gen on device ANDROid MAlware protection

Submitted by Yerom David BROMBERG on
Date of the beginning of the PhD (if already known)
Octobre 2022
IRISA - UMR 6074
Description of the subject

Context. Android is now the most used mobile platform, with a market share of 86%. Its Google
Play store holds 3.3 million applications, with a rate of more than 50,000 submissions per month.
Estimations indicate that more than 75 billion Android apps were downloaded in 2016. This enormous
popularity has, however, led to Android becoming a prime target for hackers. Malware can steal
personal data, hold critical data hostage, trick users into making unintended purchases, etc. As
illustrated by the recently detected Pegasus spyware, such malware can lurk on a mobile device for

Objectives. The main objective of this thesis is to counter the proliferation of Android malware,
and propose a practical and effective Android malware detection system.
The current state of the art in Android malware detection relies on static analysis [6], which collects
software features (such as counts of the number of various library calls) in the code without running
it, thus avoiding the need to request specific privileges on a modified Android system. However,
this technique is known for its limitations if applications are obfuscated and/or if their malicious
code is downloaded dynamically at runtime. Another alternative to overcome these limitations is to
rely on dynamic analysis, that enables to [6] analyze the actual behavior of the application during
its execution. However, due to its inherently high resource consumption, most dynamic analysis is
performed in a lab environment [1, 3, 4, 5] rather than on off-the-shelf devices. Further, it requires
specific privileges on a modified Android system [7], which are not possible on consumer phones
without breaking the warranty and being an expert.

Challenges. The challenge is to provide a practical and effective Android malware detection system
designed around dynamic analysis, i.e., running applications in a realistic sandboxed environment,
tracing the operations performed, and analyzing the resulting traces to learn the characteristics that
indicate that malware is present.
For training, this analysis must furthermore be done at a very large scale, to capture the very
wide variety of both benign and malware apps. We emphasize that the state of the art is typically
trained on datasets that are small, scattered, and not representative of the latest evasion techniques
used in the malware community, drastically reducing the effectiveness of the developed techniques [2].
Accordingly, two major challenges must be overcome :
— Providing an off-the-shelf Android-device execution profiler that an anti-virus could leverage
for implementing dynamic analysis techniques;
— Providing a meaningful and sufficient large-scale dataset through the use of a malware gene-
rator, built over the state-of-the-art work on generative adversarial networks (GAN) applied
to code instrumentation, and code analysis techniques, to automatically generate functioning
malware that is targeted to evade detection.

Candidate Profile. The candidate will have experience with systems programming and will ideally
have experience with the Linux kernel, the Android framework, ARM assembly language, and machine


1] M. K. Alzaylaee, S. Y. Yerima, and S. Sezer, “Dynalog : an automated dynamic analysis framework for characterizing
android applications.”, 2016.
[2] D. Arp, E. Quiring, F. Pendlebury, A. Warnecke, F. Pierazzi, C. Wressnegger, L. Cavallaro, and K. Rieck, “Dos
and don’ts of machine learning in computer security,” in USENIX Security, 2022.
[3] M. Backes, S. Bugiel, O. Schranz, P. von StypRekowsky, and S. Weisgerber, “Artist : The android runtime instru-
mentation and security toolkit,” in EuroS&P. IEEE, 2017, pp. 481–495.
[4] W. Enck, P. Gilbert, B.-G. Chun, L. P. Cox, J. Jung, P. McDaniel, and A. N. Sheth, “Taintdroid : An information-
flow tracking system for realtime privacy monitoring on smartphones,” in USENIX OSDI, 2010, pp. 393–407.
[5] P. Lantz, “Droidbox : An Android application sandbox for dynamic analysis.” in Master’s Thesis at Department of
Electrical and Information Technology, 2011.
[6] L. Li, T. F. Bissyandé, M. Papadakis, S. Rasthofer, A. Bartel, D. Octeau, J. Klein, and L. Traon, “Static analysis
of Android apps : A systematic literature review,” Information and Software Technology, vol. 88, pp. 67 – 95,
2017. [Online]. Available :
[7] L. Qiu, Z. Zhang, Z. Shen, and G. Sun, “Apptrace : Dynamic trace on Android devices,” in 2015 IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015, pp. 7145–7150


Lastname, Firstname
Bromberg David
Type of supervision

Lastname, Firstname
Lawall Julia
Type of supervision
Co-director (optional)
Inria Paris
Bromberg David
Lawall Julia
Android, Machine Learning, Malware