Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Learning Through Model Fragmentation and Private Aggregation

Submitted by Francois TAIANI on
Date of the beginning of the PhD (if already known)
octobre 2023
IRISA - UMR 6074
Description of the subject

Machine learning consists in producing (learning) a computer-based function (usually referred to as a model) from examples (training data). The accuracy and quality of the resulting model are usually directly related to the size of the training data, but training from very large datasets raises at least two problems. First, very large training sets require substantial computing power to train the model in a reasonable time. Second, as machine learning is increasingly applied to sensitive and personal data (e.g. health records, personal messages, user preferences, browsing histories), exposing this data to the learning algorithm raises far-reaching privacy-protection concerns and carries important risks of privacy violation.

These two problems have prompted the emergence of a range of distributed learning techniques, which seek to distribute the learning effort on many machines to scale the learning process and limit privacy leaks by keeping sensitive data on the learning devices. Two related strategies have, in particular, emerged to address these challenges: Federated Learning, initially promoted by Google, and Decentralized Learning, which forgoes entirely any centralized entity in the learning process. Unfortunately, recent works have shown that, in spite of their promises, both of these approaches can be subject to privacy attacks, such as membership inference, data reconstruction, or attribute inference, that make it possible for malicious participants to access private and or sensitive information through the learning process.

This PhD aims to improve the privacy protection granted by decentralized learning by exploring how model fragmentation, a technique developed by the WIDE team within the ANR Pamela project (2016-2020), can be combined with private aggregation and random peer sampling, two of the strategies successfully applied to P2P networks.

More concretely, the PhD will address the three following research questions:

  1. How to fragment, distribute, and reconstruct decentralized models?
  2. How to combine fragmentation and privacy-preserving averaging without disrupting learning?
  3. How to characterize the gains of protection obtained from fragmentation and privacy-preserving averaging?

In terms of methodology, the PhD will combine the design, implementation, and characterization of research prototypes to gain practical insights, coupled with algorithmic and statistical models on which we will carry out systematical analysis and reasoning.


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Lastname, Firstname
Taïani, François
Type of supervision
Supervisor (optional)

Lastname, Firstname
Frey, Davide
Type of supervision

Lastname, Firstname
Gaudel, Romaric
Type of supervision
Co-director (optional)
Taïani, François
+33 (0) 2 99 84 75 04
Frey, Davide
+33 (0) 2 99 84 75 65
Gaudel, Romaric
+33 (0) 2 99 84 72 34
Machine Learning, Decentralization, Privacy Protection, Middleware, Randomized Algorithms