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Emmanuel Vincent - Software, data and patents

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Evaluation software

BSS Eval: Matlab toolbox for the objective evaluation of source separation algorithms
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: E Vincent, C Févotte, R Gribonval
Reference for bss_eval_mix.m Reference for bss_eval_sources.m Reference for bss_eval_images.m

PEASS: Matlab toolbox for perceptually-motivated objective evaluation of source separation algorithms
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: V Emiya

BSS Oracle: Matlab toolbox for the computation of upper performance bounds of source separation algorithms
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: E Vincent, R Gribonval, MD Plumbley

MUSHRAM: Matlab interface for MUSHRA listening tests
Distributed under the GPL - Author: E Vincent

Roomsimove: Matlab toolbox for the computation of simulated room impulse reponses for moving sources (this toolbox is also suitable for large-scale experiments with static sources)
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: E Vincent, DR Campbell

Audio source separation software

SiSEC Reference Software: baseline software for source counting, mixing system estimation and source separation of under-determined mixtures
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: E Vincent, P Bofill, anonymous

Under-determined convolutive audio source separation by wideband convex optimization
Distributed under the CeCILL - Authors: M Kowalski, E Vincent, R Gribonval

Under-determined audio source separation by local Gaussian modeling for instantaneous mixtures and for convolutive mixtures
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: E Vincent, NQK Duong
Reference for instantaneous mixtures Reference for convolutive mixtures

Other software

Music object-based coding and decoding: software for very low bit-rate coding of musical audio based on Bayesian harmonic models
Distributed under the GPL - Authors: E Vincent, MEP Davies

Melody estimation using loudness-weighted YIN or Bayesian harmonic models
Distributed under the GPL - Author: E Vincent

Multiple pitch estimation and note tracking using NMF under harmonicity and spectral smoothness constraints
Distributed under the GPL - Author: E Vincent

Quadratic ERB-scale time-frequency transform and multichannel filtering in the ERB-scale time-frequency domain
Distributed under the GPL - Author: E Vincent
Reference (Section II.A)


Stereo Audio Source Separation Database part 1 and part 2: Instantaneous mixtures, synthetic convolutive mixtures and live recordings of speech or music sources for the development and testing of stereo source separation algorithms (see SiSEC wiki for a description of the data)
Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 License - Authors: E Vincent, H Sawada, S Araki, Another Dreamer, Alex Q

QUASI Music Source Separation Database: 12 multitrack songs, each mixed in several ways by a professional sound engineer
Distributed under various Creative Commons licenses - Authors: M Desnoues, J-L Durrieu, T Fillon, G Richard, O Le Blouch, E Vincent


Jonathan Le Roux, Hirokazu Kameoka, Emmanuel Vincent, Yuu Mizuno, Nobutaka Ono, and Shigeki Sagayama, "Apparatus, method, and program for signal separation", JP  2010-35052, filed 19/02/2010.