function [Cx,f]=qerbt(x,fs,nbin,wlen) % QERBT Quadratic ERB-scale time-frequency transform using Hann filters and % half-overlapping sine time integration windows % % [Cx,f]=qerbt(x,fs,nbin,wlen) % % Inputs: % x: nsampl x nchan vector containing a multichannel signal % fs: sampling frequency in Hz % nbin: number of frequency bins % wlen: length of the time integration window (must be a power of 2) % % Output: % Cx: nchan x nchan x nbin x nfram matrix containing the spatial covariance % matrices of the input signal in all time-frequency bins % f: nbin x 1 vector containing the center frequency of each frequency bin % in Hz % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2002-2010 Emmanuel Vincent % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( % If you find it useful, please cite the following reference: % Emmanuel Vincent, "Musical source separation using time-frequency source % priors," IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, % 14(1):91-98, 2006 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<4, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [nsampl,nchan]=size(x); if nchan>nsampl, error('The input signal must be in columns.'); end nfram=ceil(nsampl/wlen*2); %%% Defining ERB scale parameters %%% % Determining frequency and window length scales emax=9.26*log(.00437*fs/2+1); e=(0:nbin-1)*emax/(nbin-1); f=(exp(e/9.26)-1)/.00437; a=.5*(nbin-1)/emax*9.26*.00437*fs*exp(-e/9.26)-.5; % Determining dyadic downsampling factors (for fast computation) fup=f+1.5*fs./(2*a+1); subs=-log2(2*fup/fs); subs=2.^max(0,floor(min(log2(wlen/2),subs))); down=(subs~=[subs(2:end),1]); %%% Computing QERBT coefficients %%% x=[x; zeros((nfram+1)*wlen/2-nsampl,nchan)]; for i=1:nchan, x(:,i)=hilbert(x(:,i)); end % Defining the time integration window win=sin((.5:wlen-.5)/wlen*pi).'; swin=zeros((nfram+1)*wlen/2,1); for t=0:nfram-1, swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)=swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)+win.^2; end swin=sqrt(swin); Cx=zeros(nchan,nchan,nbin,nfram); for bin=nbin:-1:1, % Dyadic downsampling if down(bin), x=resample(x,1,2,50); wlen=wlen/2; win=sin((.5:wlen-.5)/wlen*pi).'; swin=zeros((nfram+1)*wlen/2,1); for t=0:nfram-1, swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)=swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen)+win.^2; end swin=sqrt(swin); end % Filterbank hwlen=round(a(bin)/subs(bin)); filt=hanning(2*hwlen+1).*exp(complex(0,1)*2*pi*f(bin)/fs*subs(bin)*(-hwlen:hwlen).'); band=fftfilt(filt,[x;zeros(2*hwlen,nchan)]); band=band(hwlen+1:hwlen+(nfram+1)*wlen/2,:); % Time integration for t=0:nfram-1, fram=band(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen,:).*repmat(win./swin(t*wlen/2+1:t*wlen/2+wlen),[1 nchan]); Cx(:,:,bin,t+1)=subs(bin)/(hwlen+1)^2*conj((fram'*fram)); end end return;