Module ConcreteExecutions

Require Import List.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Instr.
Require Import Concrete.
Require Import ConcreteMachine.
Require Import Determinism.
Require TINI.
Open Scope Z_scope.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Some alternative predicates for expressing execution of kernel-mode code. Used in the specification of the fault handler

Section CExec.

runsUntilUser s1 s2 says that the machine starts in some kernel states s1, makes some steps while staying in kernel mode, and finally ends in state s2 in user mode.

Inductive runsUntilUser : CS -> CS -> Prop :=
| ruu_end : forall s s',
              priv s = true ->
              priv s' = false ->
              cstep s Silent s' ->
              runsUntilUser s s'
| ruu_step : forall s s' s'',
               priv s = true ->
               cstep s Silent s' ->
               runsUntilUser s' s'' ->
               runsUntilUser s s''.
Hint Constructors runsUntilUser.

Lemma runsUntilUser_l : forall s s',
                                  runsUntilUser s s' ->
                                  priv s = true.
  intros. inv H; trivial.
Hint Resolve runsUntilUser_l.

Lemma runsUntilUser_r : forall s s',
                                  runsUntilUser s s' ->
                                  priv s' = false.
  intros. induction H; auto.

Lemma runsUntilUser_star :
  forall cs cs',
    runsUntilUser cs cs' ->
    star cstep cs nil cs'.
induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve runsUntilUser_star.

Lemma runsUntilUser_determ :
  forall s1 s21 s22
         (RUN1 : runsUntilUser s1 s21)
         (RUN2 : runsUntilUser s1 s22),
    s21 = s22.
  induction RUN1; inv RUN2;
  try match goal with
        | [ H1 : cstep ?s _ _,
            H2 : cstep ?s _ _
            |- _ ] =>
          let H := fresh "H" in
          generalize (cmach_determ H1 H2);
          intros [? ?]; subst
      end; eauto;
  try match goal with
        | [ H : runsUntilUser _ _ |- _ ] =>
          generalize (runsUntilUser_l H);

runsToEnd is similar to runsUntilUser, but we end the execution in kernel mode instead of user mode

Inductive runsToEnd : CS -> CS -> Prop :=
| rte_refl : forall s, priv s = true -> runsToEnd s s
| rte_step : forall s s' s'',
               priv s = true ->
               cstep s Silent s' ->
               runsToEnd s' s'' ->
               runsToEnd s s''.
Hint Constructors runsToEnd.

Lemma runsToEnd_l : forall s s',
                       runsToEnd s s' ->
                       priv s = true.
  intros. inv H; trivial.

Lemma runsToEnd_r : forall s s',
                       runsToEnd s s' ->
                       priv s' = true.
  intros. induction H; auto.

Lemma runsToEnd_star :
  forall cs cs',
    runsToEnd cs cs' ->
    star cstep cs nil cs'.
induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve runsToEnd_star.

Lemma runsToEnd_trans : forall cs1 cs2 cs3,
                           runsToEnd cs1 cs2 ->
                           runsToEnd cs2 cs3 ->
                           runsToEnd cs1 cs3.
induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve runsToEnd_trans.

Lemma runsUntilUser_trans : forall s1 s2 s3,
                                      runsToEnd s1 s2 ->
                                      runsUntilUser s2 s3 ->
                                      runsUntilUser s1 s3.
induction 1; eauto. Qed.

Finally, runsToEscape is also similar to runsToEnd and runsUntilUser, but the final state can either be in user mode or in kernel mode with an invalid pc, representing the fact that the execution was stopped by the kernel code.

Inductive runsToEscape : CS -> CS -> Prop :=
| rte_success:
    forall cs cs',
    forall (STAR: runsUntilUser cs cs' ),
      runsToEscape cs cs'
| rte_fail :
    forall cs cs',
    forall (STAR: runsToEnd cs cs')
           (FAIL: fst (pc cs') < 0),
      runsToEscape cs cs'.

Lemma runsToEscape_plus: forall s1 s2,
 runsToEscape s1 s2 ->
 s1 <> s2 ->
 plus cstep s1 nil s2.
  induction 1 ; intros; eauto.

Lemma runsToEscape_star: forall s1 s2,
 runsToEscape s1 s2 ->
 star cstep s1 nil s2.
  inversion 1; eauto.

End CExec.

Hint Constructors runsUntilUser runsToEnd.
Hint Resolve runsUntilUser_l runsUntilUser_r.