Module Instr

Require Import Datatypes.
Require Import ZArith.

Instructions used by the machines.

An Atom is an integer plus some metadata, and forms the basic data unit in our machines. In the abstract and symbolic rule machine, this metadata field contains an element from some arbitrary information-flow lattice. In the concrete machine, it contains just a plain integer.

Definition Atom {Label: Type} := (Z * Label)%type.

Instr is the type of instructions used in all three of our machines. Our machines are stack machines, thus most instructions operate on the machine stack, with no need for arguments.

Inductive Instr :=
  | Noop : Instr
  | Add : Instr
  | Sub : Instr
  | Push : Z -> Instr
  | Pop : Instr

  | Load : Instr
  | Store : Instr

  | Jump : Instr
  | BranchNZ : Z -> Instr

  | Call : nat -> bool -> Instr

  | Ret: Instr
  | VRet : Instr

  | Halt : Instr
  | Output : Instr.

OpCodes are used to index TMU rules. There is no OpCode for Halt, as there is no stepping rule for Halt.

Inductive OpCode : Type :=
| OpNoop
| OpAdd
| OpSub
| OpPush
| OpPop
| OpLoad
| OpStore
| OpJump
| OpBranchNZ
| OpCall
| OpRet
| OpVRet
| OpOutput.

Lemma dec_eq_OpCode: forall (o o': OpCode),
  o = o' \/ o <> o'.
  destruct o; destruct o'; solve [ left; reflexivity | right; congruence ].

Opcodes corresponding to instructions
Definition opcode_of_instr (i : Instr) : option OpCode :=
  match i with
    | Noop => Some OpNoop
    | Add => Some OpAdd
    | Sub => Some OpSub
    | Push _ => Some OpPush
    | Pop => Some OpPop
    | Load => Some OpLoad
    | Store => Some OpStore
    | Jump => Some OpJump
    | BranchNZ _ => Some OpBranchNZ
    | Call _ _ => Some OpCall
    | Ret => Some OpRet
    | VRet => Some OpVRet
    | Halt => None
    | Output => Some OpOutput