Module TINI

Require Import RelationClasses.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import List.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Semantics.

Termination-Insensitive Non-Interference (TINI). Also includes some basic definitions about execution and observations for a semantics.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section Exec.

Variable S : semantics.

Definition trace := list (event S).

Inductive exec : state S -> trace -> state S -> Prop :=
| e_refl : forall s, exec s nil s
| e_event_step : forall s e s' t s'',
             step S s (E e) s' ->
             exec s' t s'' ->
             exec s (e :: t) s''
| e_silent_step : forall s s' t s'',
             step S s Silent s' ->
             exec s' t s'' ->
             exec s t s''.

End Exec.


Variable S: semantics.
Let exec := @exec S.
Let trace := @trace S.

Class Observation := {
  observer : Type;
  e_low : observer -> (event S) -> Prop;
  e_low_dec : forall o e, {e_low o e} + {~ e_low o e};
  i_equiv : observer -> relation (init_data S)

Section TINI.

Context (OE : Observation).

Inductive ti_trace_indist : relation trace :=
| titi_nil1: forall t2, ti_trace_indist nil t2
| titi_nil2: forall t1, ti_trace_indist t1 nil
| titi_cons : forall e t1 t2,
    ti_trace_indist t1 t2 ->
    ti_trace_indist (e :: t1) (e :: t2).
Hint Constructors ti_trace_indist.

Definition observe (o : observer) (es : trace) : trace :=
  filter (fun e => if e_low_dec o e then true else false) es.

Lemma observe_forall : forall o es, Forall (e_low o) (observe o es).
  induction es as [|e es IH]; simpl.
  - constructor.
  - destruct (e_low_dec o e); auto.

Definition tini : Prop := forall o i1 t1 s1 i2 t2 s2,
                            i_equiv o i1 i2 ->
                            exec (init_state _ i1) t1 s1 ->
                            exec (init_state _ i2) t2 s2 ->
                            ti_trace_indist (observe o t1) (observe o t2).

Definition a_low (o:observer) (a:(event S)+τ) : Prop :=
  match a with
    | Silent => False
    | E e => e_low o e

Inductive a_equiv (o : observer) : relation ((event S)+τ) :=
| ee_low : forall a, a_equiv o a a
| ee_high : forall a1 a2, ~ a_low o a1 ->
                          ~ a_low o a2 ->
                          a_equiv o a1 a2.
Hint Constructors a_equiv.

Global Instance a_equiv_equiv (o: observer) : @Equivalence _ (a_equiv o).
  - intros e. auto.
  - intros x y Hxy. inv Hxy ; auto.
  - intros x y z Hxy Hyz. inv Hxy; inv Hyz; auto.

Class UnwindingSemantics := {
  s_equiv : observer -> relation (state S);
  i_equiv_s_equiv : forall o i1 i2,
                      i_equiv o i1 i2 ->
                      s_equiv o (init_state _ i1) (init_state _ i2);
  s_low : observer -> (state S) -> Prop;
  s_low_dec : forall o s, {s_low o s} + {~ s_low o s};
  s_equiv_sym : forall o, symmetric _ (s_equiv o);
  s_equiv_low : forall o s1 s2, s_equiv o s1 s2 -> (s_low o s1 <-> s_low o s2);

  e_low_s_low : forall o s1 e s2,
                  step S s1 (E e) s2 ->
                  e_low o e ->
                  s_low o s1;

  equiv_trace_low: forall o s1 s2 a1 a2 s1' s2',
                     s_equiv o s1 s2 ->
                     s_low o s1 ->
                     step S s1 a1 s1' ->
                     step S s2 a2 s2' ->
                     a_equiv o a1 a2;

  lowstep : forall o a1 a2 s1 s1' s2 s2',
              s_equiv o s1 s2 ->
              s_low o s1 ->
              step S s1 a1 s1' ->
              step S s2 a2 s2' ->
              s_equiv o s1' s2';

  highstep : forall o s1 s1' s2 a,
               ~ s_low o s1 ->
               s_equiv o s1 s2 ->
               step S s1 a s1' ->
               ~s_low o s1' ->
               s_equiv o s1' s2;

  highlowstep : forall o s1 s1' s2 s2' a1 a2,
                  s_equiv o s1 s2 ->
                  ~s_low o s1 ->
                  step S s1 a1 s1' ->
                  s_low o s1' ->
                  step S s2 a2 s2' ->
                  s_low o s2' ->
                  s_equiv o s1' s2'

Section TINIUnwinding.

Context {UC : UnwindingSemantics}.

Lemma equiv_trace_high : forall o s1 e1 s1' s2 e2 s2'
                                (Hstep1 : step S s1 e1 s1')
                                (Hstep2 : step S s2 e2 s2')
                                (Hhigh1 : ~ s_low o s1)
                                (Heq : s_equiv o s1 s2),
                           a_equiv o e1 e2.
  assert (Hhigh2 : ~ s_low o s2) by (apply s_equiv_low in Heq; intuition).
  destruct e1; destruct e2;
  constructor; eauto using e_low_s_low.

We define an alternative notion of execution (oexec) that is similar to exec, but removes invisible events. The difference is that we merge consecutive high states in an execution together as a single state, since the observer can't distinguish them (c.f. high_run and ostep below). This allows us to keep two equivalent executions in lockstep when inducting over one of them to show NI.

Inductive high_run (o : observer) : state S -> state S -> Prop :=
| hr_refl : forall s, ~ s_low o s -> high_run o s s
| hr_step : forall s e s' s'',
              step S s e s' ->
              ~ s_low o s ->
              high_run o s' s'' ->
              high_run o s s''.
Hint Constructors high_run.

Lemma high_run_high_l : forall o s s',
                          high_run o s s' ->
                          ~ s_low o s.
intros. inv H; eauto. Qed.

Lemma high_run_high_r : forall o s s',
                          high_run o s s' ->
                          ~ s_low o s'.
intros. induction H; eauto. Qed.

Inductive ostep (o : observer) : state S -> (event S)+τ -> state S -> Prop :=
| os_l : forall s a s',
           s_low o s ->
           step S s a s' ->
           ostep o s a s'
| os_h : forall s s' a s'',
           high_run o s s' ->
           step S s' a s'' ->
           s_low o s'' ->
           ostep o s a s''.
Hint Constructors ostep.

Lemma ostep_step : forall o s a s' a' s''
                          (Hstep : step S s a s')
                          (Hlow : ~ s_low o s)
                          (Hlow' : ~ s_low o s')
                          (Hostep : ostep o s' a' s''),
                     ostep o s a' s''.
  intros. inv Hostep; eauto.
Hint Resolve ostep_step.

Inductive oexec (o : observer) : state S -> trace -> state S -> Prop :=
| oe_refl : forall s, oexec o s nil s
| oe_high_run : forall s s', high_run o s s' -> oexec o s nil s'
| oe_low : forall s e s' t s'',
             ostep o s (E e) s' ->
             e_low o e ->
             oexec o s' t s'' ->
             oexec o s (e :: t) s''
| oe_high : forall s e s' t s'',
              ostep o s (E e) s' ->
              ~ e_low o e ->
              oexec o s' t s'' ->
              oexec o s t s''
| oe_silent : forall s s' t s'',
              ostep o s Silent s' ->
              oexec o s' t s'' ->
              oexec o s t s''.
Hint Constructors oexec.

Lemma oexec_low : forall o s e s' t s''
                         (Hstep : step S s (E e) s')
                         (Hlow : e_low o e)
                         (Hexec : oexec o s' t s''),
                   oexec o s (e :: t) s''.
intros. eauto using e_low_s_low. Qed.
Hint Resolve oexec_low.

Lemma oexec_high : forall o s e s' t s''
                          (Hstep : step S s (E e) s')
                          (Hhigh : ~ e_low o e)
                          (Hexec : oexec o s' t s''),
                    oexec o s t s''.
  destruct (s_low_dec o s);
  destruct (s_low_dec o s'); eauto.
  inv Hexec; eauto.
Hint Resolve oexec_high.

Lemma oexec_silent : forall o s s' t s''
                          (Hstep : step S s Silent s')
                          (Hexec : oexec o s' t s''),
                    oexec o s t s''.
  destruct (s_low_dec o s);
  destruct (s_low_dec o s'); eauto.
  inv Hexec; eauto.
Hint Resolve oexec_silent.

Lemma exec_oexec : forall o s t s',
                     exec s t s' ->
                     oexec o s (observe o t) s'.
  intros o s t s' H.
  unfold observe.
  induction H; simpl;
  try match goal with
        | e : event S |- _ =>
          try destruct (e_low_dec o e); simpl
      end; eauto.

Lemma high_run_s_equiv : forall o s1 s1' s2
                                (Hrun1 : high_run o s1 s1')
                                (Heq : s_equiv o s1 s2),
                           s_equiv o s1' s2.
  induction Hrun1; auto.
  apply IHHrun1.
  eapply highstep; auto.
  eapply H0.
  eapply high_run_high_l; eauto.

Two sequences of high states starting from equivalent states result in equivalent states.

Lemma high_run_high_run : forall o s1 s1' s2 s2'
                                 (Hrun1 : high_run o s1 s1')
                                 (Hrun2 : high_run o s2 s2')
                                 (Heq : s_equiv o s1 s2),
                            s_equiv o s1' s2'.
  induction Hrun2 as [s2 Hhigh2
                     |s2 e2 s2' s2'' Hstep2 Hhigh2 Hrun2 IH].
  - eapply high_run_s_equiv; eauto.
  - eapply IH. clear IH.
    eapply s_equiv_sym.
    eapply highstep.
    eapply Hhigh2.
    eapply s_equiv_sym. auto.
    eapply high_run_high_l. eauto.

The following lemma summarizes the previous unwinding conditions stated in terms of ostep, and corresponds to the inductive case when proving NI for oexec. It says that if an observer observes a step from two equivalent states (as defined in ostep), then the resulting states and outputs are equivalent.

Lemma ostep_equiv : forall o s1 a1 s1' s2 a2 s2'
                           (Hstep1 : ostep o s1 a1 s1')
                           (Hstep2 : ostep o s2 a2 s2')
                           (Heq : s_equiv o s1 s2),
                      a_equiv o a1 a2 /\ s_equiv o s1' s2'.
  inversion Hstep1 as [? ? ? Hs1 Hstep1'|? s1'' ? ? Hhr1 Hstep1' Hs1']; subst. clear Hstep1.
  - assert (Hs2 : s_low o s2).
      rewrite s_equiv_low; eauto.
      apply s_equiv_sym. trivial.
    inversion Hstep2 as [? ? ? _ Hstep2'|? s2'' ? ? Hhr2 Hstep2' ?]; subst; clear Hstep2.
    + split.
      * eapply equiv_trace_low; eauto.
      * eapply lowstep; eauto.
    + apply high_run_high_l in Hhr2. intuition.
  - assert (Hs1 : ~ s_low o s1) by (eapply high_run_high_l; eauto).
    inversion Hstep2 as [? ? ? Hs2 Hstep2'|? s2'' ? ? Hhr2 Hstep2' ?]; subst; clear Hstep2.
    + rewrite <- s_equiv_low in Hs2; eauto. intuition.
    + assert (Heq'' : s_equiv o s1'' s2'') by (eapply high_run_high_run; eauto).
      apply high_run_high_r in Hhr1.
      clear Hhr2 Hs1 Heq Hstep1.
      * eapply equiv_trace_high; eauto.
      * eapply highlowstep; eauto.

Noninterference in terms of oexec

Lemma oexec_equiv : forall o s1 t1 s1' s2 t2 s2'
                          (Hexec1 : oexec o s1 t1 s1')
                          (Hexec2 : oexec o s2 t2 s2')
                          (Heq : s_equiv o s1 s2),
                     ti_trace_indist t1 t2.
  gdep t2. gdep s2.
  induction Hexec1; eauto;
  intros s2 Heq t2 Hexec2;
  inv Hexec2; eauto;
  match goal with
    | Hstep1 : ostep _ ?s1 _ _,
      Hstep2 : ostep _ ?s2 _ _,
      Heq : s_equiv _ ?s1 ?s2 |- _ =>
      let H := fresh "H" in
      generalize (ostep_equiv Hstep1 Hstep2 Heq); intros H; destruct H
  end; simpl in *; eauto;
  match goal with
    | H : a_equiv _ _ _ |- _ =>
      inv H; intuition; eauto

Theorem noninterference : tini.
  intros o s1 t1 s1' s2 t2 s2' Heq Ht1 Ht2.
  eauto using i_equiv_s_equiv, exec_oexec, oexec_equiv.

End TINIUnwinding.