O. Bourquardez, N. Guenard, T. Hamel, F. Chaumette, R. Mahony, L. Eck. Kinematic visual servo controls of an X4-flyer: practical study. In Mediterranean Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Automation, CISA'08, Annaba, Algérie, Juin 2008.
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Image moments provide an important class of image features used for image-based visual servo control. Perspective zeroth and first order image moments provide a quasi linear and decoupled link between the image features and the translational degrees of freedom. Spherical first-order image moments have the additional desirable passivity property. They allow to decouple the position control scheme from the rotation dynamics. This property is suitable to control an under-actuated aerial vehicle such as a quadrotor. In this paper a range of kinematic control laws using spherical image moments and perspective image moments are experimented on a quadrotor aerial vehicle prototype. The task considered is to reach a desired position with respect to a specified target. Three control schemes show excellent performances in practice whereas each one has different theoretical properties
Author = {Bourquardez, O. and Guenard, N. and Hamel, T. and Chaumette, F. and Mahony, R. and Eck, L.},
Title = {Kinematic visual servo controls of an X4-flyer: practical study},
BookTitle = {Mediterranean Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Automation, CISA'08},
Address = {Annaba, Algeria},
Month = {June},
Year = {2008}
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