Exposés sécurité/vie privée (ORAM et PIR) : lundi 11h00 et mardi 11h00

Starting on
Ending on
IRISA Rennes
Amr El Abbadi, professeur à l'UCSB

For internal staff only

Amr El Abbadi, professeur à l'UCSB donnera deux exposés au sujet de la gestion de données avec garanties de sécurité/vie privée (ORAM et PIR).

Le premier exposé aura lieu lundi 27/05 à 11h00 et le second mardi 28/05 11h00.

Il est prévu 1h d'exposé, suivie des questions/réponses éventuelles.

Ils auront tous les deux lieu en salle Markov. Les titres, résumés, et information de connexion en visio sont ci-dessous.

N'hésitez pas si le sujet vous intéresse ! 

Présentation #1 (lundi 27/5 11h00)
Titre : Challenges and Practical Approaches for Private and Scalable Information Data Management Systems
 Abstract : Increasingly countries and regions have strict laws and regulations to protect the privacy of personal data. For example, the states of the European Union (EU) enforce the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to protect personal data of individuals living in the EU. Much research has focused on preserving the privacy of data using various advanced cryptographic techniques. However, and irrespective of the privacy of the data itself, just the queries requesting the data raise severe privacy concerns owing to numerous attacks and data breaches using access patterns. Our goal in this talk is to demonstrate how private access of data, using sophisticated, expensive but secure cryptographic methods can become a practical reality in the near future. Our focus is on supporting oblivious queries and thus hide any associated access patterns on both private and public data.  For private data, ORAM (Oblivious RAM) is one of the most popular approaches for supporting oblivious access to encrypted data. However, most existing ORAM datastores are not fault tolerant and hence an application may lose all of its data when failures occur. To achieve fault tolerance, we propose QuORAM, the first datastore to provide oblivious access and fault-tolerant data storage using a quorum-based replication protocol.  For public data, PIR (Private Information Retrieval) is the main mechanism proposed in recent years.  However, PIR requires the server to consider data as an array of elements and clients retrieve data using an index into the array. This requirement limits the use of PIR in many practical settings, especially for key-value stores, where the client may be interested in a particular key, but does not know the exact location of the data at the server. In this talk we will discuss recent efforts to overcome these limitations, using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), to improve the performance, scalability and expressiveness of privacy preserving queries of public data.


Présentation #2 (mardi 28/5 11h00)
Titre : Expressive, Efficient and Scalable Private Retrieval of Public Data.
Abstract : In this tutorial-style presentation, we will delve into the specifics of various privacy preserving data management operations.  In particular, we focus on public data, and the efficient and scalable use of PIR (Private Information Retrieval), which is one of the main mechanisms proposed in recent years.  However, PIR requires the server to consider data as an array of elements and clients retrieve data using an index into the array. This requirement limits the use of PIR in many practical settings, especially for key-value stores, where the client may be interested in a particular key or for public document repositories like Wikipedia, where a client poses a query using multiple keywords and is interested in retrieving the top most relevant k documents. Solving these problems requires efficient scalable PIR mechanisms as well as secure matrix vector multiplication.  In this talk we will discuss recent efforts to support such functionalities, using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), to improve the performance, scalability and expressiveness of privacy preserving queries of public data.


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