Journée du Département D6 - SIGNAL, Image, langage (D6)

Starting on
Ending on
IRISA Rennes
Amphi P1 ISTIC

Réservé aux membres internes uniquement.

Salle : Amphi P1 ISTIC


10:15- 10h45 Welcome coffee (Hall ISTIC) 
10:45-11:30 Introduction + Teams presentations (Amphi P):  5mn each + questions 
11:30-12:30 Poster Session 1 (Amphi P + Hall ISTIC). Pitch + Posters/Demos/Coffee
  • Hoan My Tran - Expression - Spoofed Speech Detection with a focus on Speaker Embedding
  • Paul Berg - Obelix - Apprentissage contrastif multi-modal : Du pré-entrainement auto-supervisé à la classification supervisée
  • Islam Barchouch - Shadoc - Interpretation of semi-structured traces for the conception of a Pen-Based Intelligent Tutorial System
  • Philippe Martin - Expression - Fine control of vocal parameters for high quality voice synthesis
  • Corentin Dufourg - Obelix - Forecasting water resources from satellite image time series using a graph-based learning strategy
  • Claude Petit Compact A Water-filling Algorithm Maximizing the Volume of Submatrices Above the Rank
  • Florent Imbert - Shadoc - Mixture-of-experts for handwriting trajectory reconstruction from IMU sensors
  • Andjela Dimitrijevic - Empenn - Can We Distinguish Intra- and Inter-Variability with Log Jacobian Maps Derived from Brain Morphological Deformations Using Pediatric MRI Scans?
12:30-14:00 Free buffet (mandatory registration) 
Invited Talk: Denis Coquenet (MCF, Team Shadoc), Towards End-to-end Handwritten Document Recognition
15:00-16:00 Poster Session 2 (Amphi P + Hall ISTIC): Pitch + Posters/Demos/Coffee
  • Rania Bennetayeb - Expression - Semi-automatic construction of an ontology from textual resources related to the field of urbanism
  • Florent Meyer - Shadoc - Vers un modèle de langage maîtrisé pour la lecture d’immatriculation
  • Quentin Lemesle - Expression - ParaPLUIE - une mesure automatique d'évaluation de la qualité sémantique des systèmes de paraphrases
  • Marie Poirier - Empenn - Atlases and priors for microstructure mapping with diffusion MRI
  • Guillaume Mahey - Obelix - Fast Optimal Transport through Sliced Generalized Wasserstein Geodesics, 
  • Antonin Joly Compact Message passing guarantee for graph coarsening, 
  • Hugo Thomas - Linkmedia - One-shot relation retrieval in news archives: adapting N-way K-shot relation classification for efficient knowledge extraction