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C. Masone, A. Franchi, H. H. Bülthoff, P. Robuffo Giordano. Interactive Planning of Persistent Trajectories for Human-Assisted Navigation of Mobile Robots. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2012, Pages 2641-2648, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012.

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This work extends the framework of bilateral shared control of mobile robots with the aim of increasing the robot autonomy and decreasing the operator commitment. We consider persistent autonomous behaviors where a cyclic motion must be executed by the robot. The human operator is in charge of modifying online some geometric properties of the desired path. This is then autonomously processed by the robot in order to produce an actual path guaranteeing: i) tracking feasibility, ii) collision avoidance with obstacles, iii) closeness to the desired path set by the human operator, and iv) proximity to some points of interest. A force feedback is implemented to inform the human operator of the global deformation of the path rather than using the classical mismatch between desired and executed motion commands. Physically-based simulations, with human/hardware-in-the-loop and a quadrotor UAV as robotic platform, demonstrate the feasibility of the method

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   Author = {Masone, C. and Franchi, A. and H. Bülthoff, H. and Robuffo Giordano, P.},
   Title = {{Interactive Planning of Persistent Trajectories for Human-Assisted Navigation of Mobile Robots}},
   BookTitle = {IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2012},
   Pages = {2641--2648},
   Address = {Vilamoura, Portugal},
   Year = {2012}

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