M. Ryll, H.-H. Bülthoff, P. Robuffo Giordano. A Novel Overactuated Quadrotor UAV: Modeling, Control and Experimental Validation. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 23(2):540-556, February 2015.
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Standard quadrotor UAVs possess a limited mobility because of their inherent underactuation, i.e., availability of 4 independent control inputs (the 4 propeller spinning velocities) vs. the 6 dofs parameterizing the quadrotor position/orientation in space. As a consequence, the quadrotor pose cannot track arbitrary trajectories in space (e.g., it can hover on the spot only when horizontal). Since UAVs are more and more employed as service robots for interaction with the environment, this loss of mobility due to their underactuation can constitute a limiting factor. In this paper we present a novel design for a quadrotor UAV with tilting propellers which is able to overcome these limitations. Indeed, the additional set of 4 control inputs actuating the propeller tilting angles is shown to yield full actuation to the quadrotor position/orientation in space, thus allowing it to behave as a fully-actuated flying vehicle. We then develop a comprehensive modeling and control framework for the proposed quadrotor, and subsequently illustrate the hardware/software specifications of an experimental prototype. Finally, the results of several simulations and real experiments are reported to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed novel UAV design
Author = {Ryll, M. and Bülthoff, H.-H. and Robuffo Giordano, P.},
Title = {A Novel Overactuated Quadrotor UAV: Modeling, Control and Experimental Validation},
Journal = {IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology},
Volume = {23},
Number = {2},
Pages = {540--556},
Month = {February},
Year = {2015}
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