Module Cells

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps Maps2 TreeAl MemChunkTree.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Registers.
Require Import Cminor.
Require Import Memory.
Require Export DLib.
Require Export LatticeSignatures.
Require Import AbMemSignature.

Inductive cell : Type :=
  | V (p:reg)
  | M (b:block) (i:Z) (chunk:memory_chunk).

Module Cell <: TYPE_EQ.

  Definition s := cell.
  Definition t := (reg + Z * Z * memory_chunk)%type.

  Definition t_of_s (x:s) : t :=
    match x with
      | V p => inl _ p
      | M b i c => inr _ (b, i, c)

  Definition s_of_t (x: t) : s :=
    match x with
      | inl p => V p
      | inr (b,i,c) => M b i c

  Lemma inj : forall x : s, s_of_t (t_of_s x) = x.
destruct x; auto. Qed.
  Lemma surj: forall x : t, t_of_s (s_of_t x) = x.
destruct x as [a|((b & i) & c)]; auto. Qed.
  Definition eq: forall (x y: s), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
    decide equality. apply peq. apply MemChunkTree.elt_eq. apply zeq. apply zeq.

End Cell.

Module M1 <: TREE with Definition elt := (Z * Z)%type :=
Module M2 <: TREE with Definition elt := (Z * Z * memory_chunk)%type :=
Module M3 <: TREE with Definition elt := (reg + Z * Z * memory_chunk)%type :=

Module CTree <: TREE with Definition elt := cell := BijTree(Cell)(M3).

Module CTreeDom := WPFun CTree.

Definition read (m:memory) (c:cell) : option val :=
  match c with
    | V x => PTree.get x m#1
    | M b ofs chunk => Mem.load chunk m#2 b ofs

Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive pexpr (var:Type) : Type :=
  | PEvar : var -> pexpr var
  | PEconst : constant -> pexpr var
  | PEunop : unary_operation -> pexpr var -> pexpr var
  | PEbinop : binary_operation -> pexpr var -> pexpr var -> pexpr var
  | PEcond : pexpr var -> pexpr var -> pexpr var -> pexpr var

Section EVAL.
  Variable var: Type.
  Variable ge: CFG.genv.
  Variable sp: val.
  Variable ρ: var -> val.

  Inductive eval_pexpr: pexpr var -> val -> Prop :=
  | eval_PEvar: forall c v,
    ρ c = v ->
    eval_pexpr (PEvar c) v
  | eval_PEconst: forall cst v,
    eval_constant ge sp cst = Some v ->
    eval_pexpr (PEconst _ cst) v
  | eval_PEunop: forall op a1 v1 v,
    eval_pexpr a1 v1 ->
    eval_unop op v1 = Some v ->
    eval_pexpr (PEunop op a1) v
  | eval_PEbinop: forall op a1 a2 v1 v2 v m,
    eval_pexpr a1 v1 ->
    eval_pexpr a2 v2 ->
    eval_binop op v1 v2 m = Some v ->
    eval_pexpr (PEbinop op a1 a2) v
  | eval_PEcond b l r k res:
    eval_pexpr b k ->
    (Val.bool_of_val k true -> eval_pexpr l res) ->
    (Val.bool_of_val k false -> eval_pexpr r res) ->
    (Val.bool_of_val k true \/ Val.bool_of_val k false) ->
    eval_pexpr (PEcond b l r) res


Section convert.
  Variable ge: CFG.genv.
  Variable sp: val.
  Variable m: mem.
  Variable e: env.

  Variable realize : memory_chunk -> expr -> list cell.
  Variable realize_correct : forall chunk a b i,
    eval_expr ge sp e m a (Vptr b i) ->
    In (M b (Int.unsigned i) chunk) (realize chunk a).

  Fixpoint convert (e:expr) : list (pexpr cell) :=
    match e with
      | Evar x => PEvar (V x) :: nil
      | Econst c => PEconst _ c :: nil
      | Eunop o e => map (PEunop o) (convert e)
      | Ebinop o e1 e2 =>
        let e1 := convert e1 in
        let e2 := convert e2 in
        fold_left (fun acc x1 =>
                     fold_left (fun acc x2 => PEbinop o x1 x2 :: acc) e2 acc
                  ) e1 nil
      | Eload chunk e =>
        map (@PEvar cell) (realize chunk e)
      | Econdition b l r =>
        match convert l, convert r with
          | nil, nil => nil
          | L, nil => L
          | nil, R => R
          | L, R =>
            fold_left (fun a r =>
                         fold_left (fun a l =>
                                      fold_left (fun a b => PEcond b l r :: a)
                                                (convert b)
                                   L a)
                      R nil

  Lemma convert_aux q b B r R l L :
      In q (l::L) ->
      In b B ->
      In (@PEcond cell b q r)
         (fold_left (fun a r =>
                       fold_left (fun a l =>
                                    fold_left (fun a b => PEcond b l r :: a)
                                              B a)
                                 (l::L) a)
                    (r::R) nil).
    rewrite fold3. rewrite app_nil_r.
    intros H H0.
    rewrite <- in_rev.
    apply in_flat_map. exists r. intuition.
    apply in_flat_map. exists q. intuition.
    apply (in_map (fun c => PEcond c q r)).

  Lemma convert_aux' q b B r R l L :
      In q (r::R) ->
      In b B ->
      In (@PEcond cell b l q)
         (fold_left (fun a r =>
                       fold_left (fun a l =>
                                    fold_left (fun a b => PEcond b l r :: a)
                                              B a)
                                 (l::L) a)
                    (r::R) nil).
    rewrite fold3. rewrite app_nil_r.
    intros H H0.
    rewrite <- in_rev.
    apply in_flat_map. exists q. intuition.
    apply in_flat_map. exists l. intuition.
    apply (in_map (fun c => PEcond c l q)).

  Definition compat (m:memory) (ρ:cell -> val) : Prop :=
    forall c v, read m c = Some v -> ρ c = v.

  Opaque fold_left.
  Lemma eval_expr_convert_expr : forall ρ,
    compat (e,m) ρ ->
    forall expr v ,
      eval_expr ge sp e m expr v ->
      exists a, In a (convert expr) /\ eval_pexpr ge sp ρ a v.
    induction 2; simpl.
    > econstructor; split; [left; eauto|idtac].
      apply H; auto.
    > econstructor; split; [left; eauto|idtac].
      econstructor; auto.
    > destruct IHeval_expr as [a [A1 A2]].
      econstructor; split; [apply in_map; eauto|idtac].
      econstructor; eauto.
    > destruct IHeval_expr1 as [aa1 [A1 A2]].
      destruct IHeval_expr2 as [aa2 [A3 A4]].
      exists (PEbinop op aa1 aa2). split.
      2: econstructor; eauto.
      replace (fun acc x1 => fold_left (fun acc x2 => PEbinop op x1 x2 :: acc) (convert a2) acc)
      with (fun acc x1 => rev (map (PEbinop op x1) (convert a2)) ++ acc).
      rewrite aux, app_nil_r, <- In_rev.
      apply in_flat_map. eexists. intuition eauto.
      apply in_map. auto.
      apply Axioms.extensionality. intros.
      apply Axioms.extensionality. intros.
      now rewrite fold_left_cons_map_app.
    > destruct IHeval_expr as [a [A1 A2]].
      destruct vaddr; inv H1.
      econstructor; split; [apply in_map; eauto|idtac].
      econstructor; eauto.
    > destruct IHeval_expr1 as (a & IN & E).
      destruct IHeval_expr2 as (a' & IN' & E').
      case_eq (convert a2). intros. destruct b1; autorw'. inv IN'.
      eexists; intuition eauto. now destruct (convert a3).
      intros p l H1.
      case_eq (convert a3). intros. destruct b1; autorw'. 2: inv IN'.
      eexists; intuition eauto.
      intros p' l' H2.
      destruct b1.
      exists (PEcond a a' p'). split. apply convert_aux. autorw'. auto. intuition.
      econstructor; eauto. intros X. inv X. inv H0. elim H4; reflexivity.
      exists (PEcond a p a'). split. apply convert_aux'. autorw'. auto. intuition.
      econstructor; eauto. intros X. inv X; inv H0. elim H3; reflexivity.

  Fixpoint simpl_convert (e:expr) : pexpr cell :=
    match e with
      | Evar x => PEvar (V x)
      | Econst c => PEconst _ c
      | Eunop o e => PEunop o (simpl_convert e)
      | Ebinop o e1 e2 => PEbinop o (simpl_convert e1) (simpl_convert e2)
      | Eload chunk e => PEconst _ (Ointconst
      | Econdition b r l => PEcond (simpl_convert b) (simpl_convert r) (simpl_convert l)

  Fixpoint wf_simpl_expr (e:expr) : bool :=
    match e with
      | Evar x => true
      | Econst c => true
      | Eunop o e => wf_simpl_expr e
      | Ebinop o e1 e2 => wf_simpl_expr e1 && wf_simpl_expr e2
      | Eload chunk e => false
      | Econdition b r l => wf_simpl_expr b && wf_simpl_expr r && wf_simpl_expr l

  Lemma eval_expr_simpl_convert_expr : forall ρ,
    compat (e,m) ρ ->
    forall expr v ,
      eval_expr ge sp e m expr v ->
      wf_simpl_expr expr = true ->
      eval_pexpr ge sp ρ (simpl_convert expr) v.
    induction 2; simpl.
    > econstructor.
      apply H; auto.
    > econstructor; auto.
    > econstructor; eauto.
    > rewrite andb_true_iff; destruct 1.
      econstructor; eauto.
    > congruence.
    > repeat rewrite andb_true_iff. intuition.
      match goal with | H: Val.bool_of_val _ _ |- _ => inv H end.
      econstructor; eauto. inversion 1; congruence. left; constructor; auto.
      econstructor; eauto. inversion 1; congruence. right; constructor.
      econstructor; eauto. inversion 1; congruence. left; constructor; auto.

End convert.

Module Cell2Val.
Unset Elimination Schemes.
Record adom {t:Type}: Type := {
  val_adom: Adom.adom t val;
  eval_constant: constant -> t;
  eval_unop : unary_operation -> t -> t;
  eval_binop : binary_operation -> t -> t -> t;
  eval_cond : t -> t+⊥ -> t+⊥ -> t+⊥;
  eval_constant_correct: forall (ge:CFG.genv) sp c v,
    Cminor.eval_constant ge (Vptr sp c = Some v ->
    γ (eval_constant c) v;
  eval_unop_correct : forall op arg x v,
    Cminor.eval_unop op arg = Some v ->
    γ x arg ->
    γ (eval_unop op x) v;
  eval_binop_correct : forall op arg1 arg2 x1 x2 m v,
    Cminor.eval_binop op arg1 arg2 m = Some v ->
    γ x1 arg1 ->
    γ x2 arg2 ->
    γ (eval_binop op x1 x2) v
; eval_cond_correct b l r B bv :
    γ b B ->
    Val.bool_of_val B bv ->
    forall K,
      γ (if bv then l else r) K ->
      γ (eval_cond b l r) K

Module Eval (T:TREE).

  Module TDom := WPFun T.

  Section val_adom.
    Context {t:Type}.
    Variable a: @adom t.
    Fixpoint eval_expr (ab:@TDom.t t) (e:pexpr T.elt) : t+⊥ :=
      match e with
        | PEvar c => TDom.get (val_adom a) ab c
        | PEconst cst => NotBot (eval_constant a cst)
        | PEunop op e => botlift_fun1 (eval_unop a op) (eval_expr ab e)
        | PEbinop op e1 e2 =>
          botlift_fun2 (eval_binop a op) (eval_expr ab e1) (eval_expr ab e2)
        | PEcond b r l =>
          match eval_expr ab b with
            | Bot => Bot
            | NotBot b => eval_cond a b (eval_expr ab r) (eval_expr ab l)
    Instance val_adom_inst : Adom.adom t val := val_adom a.
    Instance val_adom_bot_inst : Adom.adom (t+⊥) val :=
      lift_bot val_adom_inst.
    Instance tree_adom : Adom.adom TDom.t (T.elt->val) :=
      TDom.makebot (val_adom a).

    Lemma eval_expr_correct: forall (ge:CFG.genv) sp (ab:@TDom.t t) ρ e v,
      γ ab ρ ->
      eval_pexpr ge (Vptr sp ρ e v ->
      γ (eval_expr ab e) v.
      induction 2; simpl.
      > rewrite <- H0; auto.
        destruct ab; simpl in H.
        > elim H.
        > apply (H c).
      > apply (eval_constant_correct a ge sp); auto.
      > destruct (eval_expr ab a1); try (inv IHeval_pexpr; fail).
      eapply (eval_unop_correct a); eauto.
      > destruct (eval_expr ab a1); try (inv IHeval_pexpr1; fail).
      destruct (eval_expr ab a2); try (inv IHeval_pexpr2; fail).
      eapply (eval_binop_correct a); eauto.
      > destruct (eval_expr ab b). intuition. simpl in *.
        intuition; eapply eval_cond_correct; eauto.

  End val_adom.
End Eval.

End Cell2Val.