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Graphical interface

Figure 6: The main window of TSF

The figure 6 shows the main part of the Motif interface developed on the Foresys tool.

A menu bar with the following entries:
 $\mid$ File
 $\mid$ New
- Create a new unnamed toolkit.
 $\mid$ Open
- Load a toolkit.
 $\mid$ Delete
- Delete the current toolkit from the list.
 $\mid$ Save
- Save the current toolkit .
 $\mid$ Save As
- Save the current toolkit with a new file name.
 $\mid$ Save All
- Save the modified toolkits.
 $\mid$ Configure
- In the current version, this entry is used to set the name to the current toolkit.
 $\mid$ Quit
- stop the execution of TSF.
 $\mid$ Entry
 $\mid$ Add
- Add an new empty entry in the current toolkit.
 $\mid$ Clone
- Add a copy of the selected entry in the current toolkit.
 $\mid$ Delete
- Remove the selected entry from the current toolkit.
 $\mid$ Options
 $\mid$ Icons
- Toggle between text/icons buttons
 $\mid$ Help
 $\mid$ Help
- Show the TSF help (not yet available)

The list of loaded toolkits.
A set of buttons.
- Run the script of the selected entry.
- Edit the script of the selected entry (see after).
- Apply the pattern to search a matching Fortran code.
- Open a dialog window to show the documentation of the selected transformation.
- Cancel the last transformation (if possible).
- Restore the last transformation cancelled by UNDO.
- Display the structure of the current selection. (see the attribute AST)
The list of entries available in the current toolkit.
The documentation of the selected entry.

The second kind of TSF window is the editor (see figure 7). An editor can be opened for each entry with the 'EDIT' button in the main window or by a double mouse click of its name.

A menu bar with the following entries:
 $\mid$ Case
 $\mid$ New
- Create a new entry and clear all the fields.
 $\mid$ Clone
- Create a new entry with the same fields.
 $\mid$ Commit
- Report all changes in the toolkit.
 $\mid$ Commit & Save
- Report all changes in the toolkit and save the toolkit
 $\mid$ Commit As
- Equivalent to 'Clone'+'Commit'
 $\mid$ Cancel changes
- Restore the fields as before the last 'Commit & Save'
 $\mid$ Delete
- Remove the entry from the toolkit.
 $\mid$ Close
- Close the editor.
 $\mid$ Abstraction
- This menu provides some simple transformations on the pattern.
 $\mid$ Option
 $\mid$ Auto Commit & Save
- Toggle the automatic saving of the fields before running the script.
A set of buttons (see the menu 'Case')
The Field page allows to set the name, the application, the architecture and the author of the entry.
The Pattern page contains the edition zone for the pattern and the following buttons:
- Apply the pattern to search a matching Fortran code.
- Use the current Fortran selection to create a pattern.
\fbox{Check Syntax}
- Verify the syntax of the pattern.
The Abstraction submenu may be used at this level in order to remove some useless details.
The Script page contains the edition zone for the script and the following buttons:
- Apply the script to the current Fortran selection.
\fbox{Check Syntax}
- Verify the syntax of the script.
- Go to the specified line.
The Documentation page contains the edition zone for the documentation.

Figure 7: The TSF editor

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Yann Mevel