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S. Chédor, C. Morvan, S. Pinchinat, H. Marchand. Analysis of partially observed recursive tile systems. In 11th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Pages 265-271, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 2012.

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The analysis of discrete event systems under partial observation is an important topic, with major applications such as the detection of information flow and the diagnosis of faulty behaviors. We consider recursive tile systems, which are infinite systems generated by a finite collection of finite tiles, a simplified variant of deterministic graph grammars. Recursive tile systems are expressive enough to capture classical models of recursive systems, such as the pushdown systems and the recursive state machines. They are infinite-state in general and therefore standard powerset constructions for monitoring do not always apply. We exhibit computable conditions on recursive tile systems and present non-trivial constructions that yield effective computation of the monitors. We apply these results to the classic problems of opacity and diagnosability


Christophe Morvan http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~cmorvan/
Hervé Marchand http://www.irisa.fr/prive/hmarchan

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Chédor, S. and Morvan, C. and Pinchinat, S. and Marchand, H.},
   Title = {Analysis of partially observed recursive tile systems},
   BookTitle = {11th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems},
   Pages = {265--271},
   Address = {Guadalajara, Mexico},
   Month = {October},
   Year = {2012}

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