B. Jeannet, A. Loginov, T. Reps, M. Sagiv, A Relational Approach to Interprocedural Shape Analysis, in 11th Static Analysis Symposium - SAS 2004. Volume 3148 of LNCS, Verona, Italy, August 2004.

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This paper addresses the verification of properties of imperative programs with recursive procedure calls, heap-allocated storage, and destructive updating of pointer-valued fields-i.e., interprocedural shape analysis. It presents a way to apply some previously known approaches to interprocedural dataflow analysis-which in past work have been applied only to a much less rich setting-so that they can be applied to programs that use heap-allocated storage and perform destructive updating.


Bertrand Jeannet

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Jeannet, B. and Loginov, A. and Reps, T. and Sagiv, M.},
   Title = {A Relational Approach to Interprocedural Shape Analysis},
   BookTitle = {11th Static Analysis Symposium - SAS 2004. Volume 3148 of LNCS},
   Publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   Address = {Verona, Italy},
   Month = {August},
   Year = {2004}

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