Publications about 'static analysis'
  1. V.-A. Nicolas. Preuves de propriétés de classes de programmes par dérivation systématique de jeux de test. PhD thesis, Université de Rennes I, Ifsic, Irisa, December 1998. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Software engineering, program verification, white-box testing, automated test data generation, program analysis, program schemes. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Olivier Ridoux and Patrice Boizumault. Typed Static Analysis: Application to the Groundness Analysis of Typed Prolog. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, 2001(4), July 2001. [bibtex-entry]

  2. D. Le Métayer. Program analysis for software engineering: new applications, new requirements, new tools. ACM Sigplan Notices, (1):86-88, January 1997. [WWW ] Keyword(s): program analysis, debugging, testing, correctness, scalability, interaction. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. C.L. Hankin and D. Le Métayer. Lazy types and program analysis. Science of Computer Programming, 1995. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Frédéric Besson, Guillaume Dufay, and Thomas Jensen. A Formal Model of Access Control for Mobile Interactive Devices. In 11th European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (ESORICS'06), volume 4189 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006. Springer. [WWW ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Pascal Sotin, David Cachera, and Thomas Jensen. Quantitative Static Analysis over semirings: analysing cache behaviour for Java Card. In Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages, 2006. [bibtex-entry]

  3. David Cachera, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie, and Gerardo Schneider. Certified Memory Usage Analysis. In Proc of 13th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM'05), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005. Springer-Verlag. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Olivier Ridoux, Patrice Boizumault, and Frédéric Malésieux. Typed static analysis: application to groundness analysis of LambdaProlog and Prolog. In A. Middeldorp and T. Sato, editors, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Functional and Logic Programming, 1999. Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  5. P. Fradet and M. Südholt. Towards a Generic Framework for Aspect-Oriented Programming. In Third AOP Workshop, ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader, volume 1543 of LNCS, pages 394--397, juillet 1998. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ] Keyword(s): aspect-oriented programming, program transformation, program analysis. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. P. Fradet, R. Gaugne, and D. Le Métayer. Static detection of pointer errors: an axiomatisation and a checking algorithm. In Proc. European Symposium on Programming, ESOP'96, volume 1058 of LNCS, Linköping, Sweden, pages 125-140, April 1996. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Debugging tool, alias analysis, Hoare's logic.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. Gerardo Schneider. A constraint-based algorithm for analysing memory usage on Java cards. Technical report RR-5440, INRIA, December 2004. [POSTSCRIPT ] Keyword(s): static analysis, memory analysis, constraint-based algorithm, Java card. [bibtex-entry]

  2. P. Fradet, R. Gaugne, and D. Le Métayer. An inference algorithm for the static verification of pointer manipulation. Technical report 980, IRISA, 1996. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Debugging tool, alias analysis, Hoare's logic.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. V. Gouranton and D. Le Métayer. Derivation of static analysers of functional programs from path properties of a natural semantics. Technical report 2607, Inria, 1995. [WWW ] Keyword(s): functional languages, operational semantics, neededness analysis, paths analysis, optimising compilers. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Mon Feb 26 15:35:09 2007
Author: ferre.

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