IJRR is the #1 ranked robotics journal.
Recent advances in computer vision are increasingly being applied to robots to augment, and even to replace other robot sensors such as odometry, laser rangefinders and GPS. Unlike active rangefinders, computer vision is low-cost, small in size and passive, and unlike GPS it can operate in environments such as indoors, underground, underwater and space.
Following on from the phenomenal success of the previous Special Issues on Vision & Robotics (2007, 2010 and 2012) IJRR announces a new Special Issue on Robot Vision. Original submissions are sought to present recent advances in vision theory and methods and its application to robotics including:
Experimental results are particularly encouraged. Please note that the Journal has no page limit on papers and is a leader in archival publishing of data sets, code and videos with papers.
For full guidelines see: http://www.sagepub.com/journals/Journal201324#tabview=manuscriptSubmission
To submit go to: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijrr Please choose: "Robot Vision" under manuscript type.
If you have any queries regarding uploading a paper please contact: Managing Editor, Jennet Batten: ijrr_man_editor@btinternet.com
Publication: mid-2014
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