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C. Ormea, A. Giboin, D. Daney, J.-P. Merlet, P. Rives. Quel dispositif d'assistance aux courses concevoir pour les futures personnes âgées ?. In Handicap 2014 - 8ème Édition, Versailles, France, June 2014.

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Patrick Rives

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   Author = {Ormea, C. and Giboin, A. and Daney, D. and Merlet, J.-P. and Rives, P.},
   Title = {{Quel dispositif d'assistance aux courses concevoir pour les futures personnes {â}g{é}es ?}},
   BookTitle = {{Handicap 2014 - 8{è}me {É}dition}},
   Address = {Versailles, France},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2014}

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