Publications of Abdoulaye Gamatié

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Academic Journals

  1. Abdoulaye Gamatie, Thierry Gautier. The Signal Synchronous Multiclock Approach to the Design of Distributed Embedded Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 21(5), 2010. details
  2. Huafeng Yu, Abdoulaye Gamatie, Eric Rutten, Jean-Luc Dekeyser. Adaptivity in High-Performance Embedded Systems: a Reactive Control Model for Reliable and Flexible Design. Knowledge Engineering Review, Accepted for publication, 2010. details
  3. Imran Rafiq Quadri, Abdoulaye Gamatie, Samy Meftali, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Huafeng Yu, …ric Rutten. Targeting Reconfigurable FPGA based SoCs using the MARTE UML profile: from high abstraction levels to code generation. International Journal of Embedded Systems, September 2010. details
  4. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin. Polychronous Design of Embedded Real-Time Applications. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2007. details
  5. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic. Synchronous Design of Avionic Applications based on Model Refinements. Journal of Embedded Computing, 2007. details

Book Chapters

  1. J.P. Talpin, D. Berner, S. Shukla, P. Le Guernic, A. Gamatié, R. Gupta. Behavioral type inference for compositional system design, chapter in Formal Methods and Models for System Design. In Formal Methods and Models for System Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. details

International Conferences

  1. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Loïc Besnard. An Interval-Based Solution for Static Analysis in the SIGNAL Language. In Fifteenth IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2008), Proceedings, Pages 182-190, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2008. details
  2. Jean-Pierre Talpin, Christian Brunette, Thierry Gautier, Abdoulaye Gamatié. Polychronous mode automata. In Embedded Software Conference, ACM Press, September 2006. details
  3. Christian Brunette, R Delamare, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A modeling paradigm for integrated modular avionics design. In Software Engineering and Advanced Application, IEEE Press, September 2006. details
  4. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic. Toward Static Analysis of SIGNAL Programs using Interval Techniques. In Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming, SLAP 2006, Florence Maraninchi, Marc Pouzet (eds.), Vienna, Austria, March 2006. details
  5. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin. Dealing with Real-Time Issues within the Polychronous Framework. In Proceedings of the 17th Euromicro Conference on Real Time Systems (ECRTS'05), Work-in-Progress Session, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands - Spain, July 2005. details
  6. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic. Conception Synchrone d'Applications Avioniques par Raffinement de Modèles. In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Real-time Systems (RTS'2005), Paris - France, April 2005. details
  7. J.P. Talpin, D. Berner, S. K. Shukla, A. Gamatié, P. Le Guernic, R. Gupta. A behavioral type inference system for compositional system-on-chip design. In Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2004. details
  8. A. Gamatié, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic. An Example of Synchronous Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems based on IMA. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Real-time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'2004), Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2004. details
  9. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier. Modeling of Modular Avionics Architectures Using the Synchronous Language SIGNAL. In Proceedings of the Work In Progress session, 14th Euromicro Conference on Real Time Systems, ECRTS'02, Pages 25-28, June 2002. details

Research Reports

  1. Christian Brunette, Romain Delamare, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin. A Modeling Paradigm for Integrated Modular Avionic Design. Research Report INRIA, No 5715, October 2005. details
  2. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin. Polychronous Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems. Research Report INRIA, No 5509, March 2005. details
  3. Abdoulaye Gamatié, Thierry Gautier. Synchronous Modeling of Modular Avionics Architectures using the SIGNAL Language. Research Report Irisa, No 0, December 2002. details

PhD Thesis

  1. A. Gamatié. Modélisation polychrone et évaluation de systèmes temps réel. PhD Thesis, May 2004. details

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