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EMF Abstract Repository (EMF-AR) is a high-level models repository based on the eclipse plug-in Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). EMF allows producing Java API’s and graphical editors from models described in ECORE format (EMOF equivalent). As a models repository, EMF offers facilities in order to manipulate instances of generated API’s. But a few are too basic and some verification and precaution are demand to the user. EMF-AR is a layer posited just above EMF and facilitates the manipulation and verifies the conformance of the instances of API’s which are generated with EMF. EMF-AR is delivered as an Eclipse plug-in.

 This sofware was developped by France Telecom as an open source software and is now maintained by Triskell.

Technical characteristic and main benefits :

  • The instance storage process is simpler (the user musn’t specify the roots anymore, the roots are automatically identify).
  • During the storage, conformance checking of the instance (about it model)
  • Explicit manipulation of repository, models and instances concepts.
  • More understandable exceptions system
  • Modular and user-friendly programmation


Technical advantages against competitors :

  • Instance/model conformance checking.
  • In an instance, automatic identification of roots.
