Image Sequences with the Camera Rotating Around the Scene

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These sequences contain images taken in the same conditions (as far as we could control the environement parameters), but the camera rotated slowly around the scene from one image of a sequence to the next one.

Rotation around the MOVI house.
See the whole sequence , download it (tar of gzipped PGM images).
Sequence reference: g3_vp_ra_s1
Images: im001 to im119 (8 are shown here)
Scene: The MOVI house and other objects.

The ARC object
See the whole sequence , download it (tar of gzipped PPM or PGM images).
Sequence reference: g3_vp_ra_s2
Images: im1 to im 78 (8 of them are shown here)
Scene description: grey, 3D scene, arc object.

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