Short bio

I received a BSc in Mathematics and computer Science in 2004 from the University of Ngaoundere and a MSc in Computer Science in 2008 from the University of Yaounde I

In 2007, I spent four months at the University of Paris-Sud XI, for my internship, working on new strategies of LU factorization.

In september 2008, I received a grant from INRIA to do my PhD studies in the SAGE team. My research was supervised by Jocelyne Erhel and Edouard CANOT.

In october-november 2010, I was at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the framework of the INRIA - Illinois jointlab for PetaScale Computing.

In December 2011, I received my PhD degree from the University of Rennes I. The manuscript is available here.

Since January 2012, I'm a software engineer at INRIA, Bordeaux in MANAO team. I'm working mainly on Eigen with Gael Guennebaud. The goal of this position is to develop and optimize methods for sparse linear algebra with application to computer graphics and related fields. Meanwhile, I'm working on some papers and softwares from my PhD research. Some of these softwares are included in the the devel branch of PETSc.

Research areas

My research focus is on software optimization in parallel numerical linear algebra, and more generally on performance optimization of scientific softwares for heterogeneous architectures, ranging from multicore computers and GPU to distributed-memory computers.

During my PhD research, I have investigated severay ways to find a good tradeoff between robustness, parallelism and memory usage in algebraic domain decomposition methods, with application to real industrial problems. The main collaboration in this context was done with the FLUOREM company. The result of this collaboration is mainly described in this paper.

The updated list of my published work can be found here.