PAMPA : Basis and methodologyfor programming parallel distributed architectures



The project aims at contributing to a better mastering of the development of  distributed systems in  conceiving   new  techniques of  software engineering based on formal methods. A significant part of our research 
is devoted to testing techniques. The current research topics of the group are:     1 / "black box " testing of reactive systems,    2 / validation in object-oriented design frameworks, and 3 / study of new models for telecommunication software. The activity of the group covers at the same time, aspects of fundamental search on models and methods, realization of prototypes of software tools and industrial transfer. 

    Key words : distributed systems and networks, protocols, formal methods, software engineering, objetc-oriented design, verification, test generation, observation and diagnostics, telecommunications.


 Project overview 

Research themesApplications and collaborationsPeople

 Publications Software