function multipitch_tracking(wavfile,f0file) % MULTIPITCH_TRACKING Polyphonic note tracking on the MIDI scale using NMF % under harmonicity and spectral smoothness constraints % % multipitch_tracking(wavfile,f0file) % % Inputs: % wavfile: input audio filename % f0file: output transcription filename (MIREX format with onset and offset % in seconds and discrete pitch in Hz of each note) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2009 Emmanuel Vincent % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( % If you find it useful, please cite the following reference: % Emmanuel Vincent, Nancy Bertin and Roland Badeau, "Adaptive harmonic % spectral decomposition for multiple pitch estimation," IEEE Trans. on % Audio, Speech and Language Processing, to appear. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Defining NMF parameters nbfreq=250; nbcomp=1; maxclus=6; totwidth=22; clusspace=totwidth/maxclus; cluswidth=clusspace*2; beta=.5; thresh=27; % Defining minimum note duration mindur=.05; % Reading WAV file [x,fs]=wavread(wavfile); x=resample(x,22050,fs).'; % Applying NMF [U,A]=nmf_harmclus_erbt(x,22050,nbfreq,nbcomp,maxclus,clusspace,cluswidth,beta); % Estimating onset/offset/f0 testnotes=harm2midi_erbt(U,A,22050,thresh,mindur); testnotes(:,3)=440*2.^((testnotes(:,3)-69)/12); % Writing into a file nbnotes=length(testnotes); fid=fopen(f0file,'w'); for n=1:nbnotes-1, fprintf(fid,'%.3f\t%.3f\t%.2f\n',testnotes(n,5),testnotes(n,6),testnotes(n,3)); end fprintf(fid,'%.3f\t%.3f\t%.2f',testnotes(end,5),testnotes(end,6),testnotes(end,3)); fclose(fid); return; function [U,A,dist,B]=nmf_harmclus_erbt(x,fs,F,nbcomp,maxclus,clusspace,cluswidth,beta) % NMF_HARMCLUS_ERBT Harmonic NMF of a signal from a ERB transform with % basis spectra representing partial clusters and fundamental frequencies % on the MIDI scale tuned at 440 Hz % % Initialization with a slope of 6 dB/octave for the first component, 12 % dB/oct for the second, etc % % [U,A,dist,B]=nmf_harmclus_erbt(x,fs,F,nbcomp,maxclus,clusspace,cluswidth,beta) % % Inputs: % x: 1 x T vector containing a single-channel signal % fs: sampling frequency in Hz % F: number of frequency bins % nbcomp: number of spectral envelope components per note % maxclus: maximal number of partial clusters per note % clusspace: spacing between successive partial clusters in ERB % cluswidth: bandwidth of each partial cluster in ERB % beta: distortion measure (0-> IS, 1-> KL, 2-> EUC) % % Output: % U: F x (nbnotes x nbcomp) matrix containing NMF basis vectors % A: (nbnotes x nbcomp) x N matrix containing NMF time weights % dist: achieved distortion measure % B: nbclus x nbcomp matrix containing spectral envelopes %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<8, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [I,T]=size(x); if I>T, error('The input signal must contain more time samples than channels.'); end if fs>25000, error('The sampling frequency must be smaller than 25 kHz.'); end wlen=2^nextpow2(.02*fs); %20 ms window length N=ceil(T/wlen); %%% Computing ERBT coefficients and frequency scale %%% X=zeros(F,N,I); for i=1:I, [X(:,:,i),f]=erbtm(x(i,:),fs,F,wlen); end X=(sum(X.^2,3)+1e-18).^.5; fmin=f(1); fmax=f(F); emin=9.26*log(.00437*fmin+1); emax=9.26*log(.00437*fmax+1); e=(0:F-1)*(emax-emin)/(F-1)+emin; a=.5*(F-1)/(emax-emin)*9.26*.00437*fs*exp(-e/9.26)-.5; alen=2*round(a)+1; f=f/fs; %%% Defining partial spectra %%% firstnote=21; lastnote=108; nbnotes=lastnote-firstnote+1; pitch=firstnote:lastnote; f0=2.^((pitch-69)/12)*440/fs; nharm=floor(.5./f0); ppos=[0,cumsum(nharm)]; nbpart=ppos(end); Z=zeros(F,nbpart); %partial spectra partfreq=zeros(1,nbpart); for n=1:nbnotes, partfreq(ppos(n)+1:ppos(n)+nharm(n))=f0(n)*(1:nharm(n)); end for c=1:F, Z(c,:)=abs(sinc((f(c)-partfreq)*alen(c))+.5*sinc((f(c)-partfreq)*alen(c)+1)+.5*sinc((f(c)-partfreq)*alen(c)-1)); end %%% Defining cluster spectra and initializing note spectra %%% clusnum=zeros(1,nbpart); % cluster index for each partial for n=1:nbnotes, clusnum(ppos(n)+1:ppos(n)+nharm(n))=9.26*(log(.00437*partfreq(ppos(n)+1:ppos(n)+nharm(n))*fs+1)-log(.00437*partfreq(ppos(n)+1)*fs+1))/clusspace; end nclus=min(maxclus,round(clusnum(ppos(2:end)))+1); cpos=[0,cumsum(nclus)]; nbclus=cpos(end); clusfreq=zeros(1,nbclus); % center frequency of each cluster for n=1:nbnotes, clusfreq(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n))=((.00437*partfreq(ppos(n)+1)*fs+1)*exp(clusspace/9.26*(0:nclus(n)-1))-1)/(.00437*fs); end V=zeros(F,nbclus); %cluster spectra B=zeros(nbclus,nbcomp); %cluster weights U=zeros(F,nbnotes*nbcomp); %note spectra for n=1:nbnotes, weights=zeros(nharm(n),nclus(n)); for c=1:nclus(n), r=(clusnum(ppos(n)+1:ppos(n)+nharm(n))-c+1)*clusspace/cluswidth; order=4; k=sqrt(pi)*gamma(order-.5)/gamma(order); weights(:,c)=(1+(k*r).^2).^-order; end V(:,cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n))=Z(:,ppos(n)+1:ppos(n)+nharm(n))*weights; B(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n),:)=10.^(-6/20*log2(clusfreq(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n))/clusfreq(cpos(n)+1)).'*(1:nbcomp)); U(:,(0:nbcomp-1)*nbnotes+n)=V(:,cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n))*B(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n),:); end %%% Performing NMF updates %%% A=ones(nbnotes*nbcomp,N); Y=U*A; gconverged=0; dist=inf; while ~gconverged, gprevdist=dist; % Updating note weights lconverged=0; while ~lconverged, lprevdist=dist; A=A.*(U.'*(X.*Y.^(beta-2)))./(U.'*(Y.^(beta-1))); Y=U*A; switch beta case 0, dist=sum(sum(X./Y-log(X./Y)-1)); case 1, dist=sum(sum(X.*log(X./Y)+Y-X)); case 2, dist=.5*sum(sum((X-Y).^2)); otherwise dist=sum(sum(X.^beta+(beta-1)*Y.^beta-beta*X.*Y.^(beta-1)))/(beta*(beta-1)); end lconverged=(10*log10(lprevdist/dist) < 5e-3); end % Updating note spectra lconverged=0; while ~lconverged, lprevdist=dist; XYA=(X.*Y.^(beta-2))*A.'; YA=(Y.^(beta-1))*A.'; for n=1:nbnotes, B(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n),:)=B(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n),:).*(V(:,cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n)).'*XYA(:,(0:nbcomp-1)*nbnotes+n))./(V(:,cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n)).'*YA(:,(0:nbcomp-1)*nbnotes+n,:)+realmin); U(:,(0:nbcomp-1)*nbnotes+n)=V(:,cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n))*B(cpos(n)+1:cpos(n)+nclus(n),:); end Y=U*A; switch beta case 0, dist=sum(sum(X./Y-log(X./Y)-1)); case 1, dist=sum(sum(X.*log(X./Y)+Y-X)); case 2, dist=.5*sum(sum((X-Y).^2)); otherwise dist=sum(sum(X.^beta+(beta-1)*Y.^beta-beta*X.*Y.^(beta-1)))/(beta*(beta-1)); end lconverged=(10*log10(lprevdist/dist) < 5e-3); end % Convergence test gconverged=(10*log10(gprevdist/dist) < 1e-2); end %%% Energy normalization %%% A=A.*(sum(U.^2).^.5.'*ones(1,N)); U=U./(ones(F,1)*sum(U.^2).^.5); return; function [X,f]=erbtm(x,fs,F,wlen) % ERBTM Magnitude ERB Transform using a Hann window. % % [X,f]=erbtp(x,fs,F,wlen) % % Inputs: % x: 1 x T vector containing a single-channel signal % fs: sampling frequency in Hz % F: number of frequency bins (the ratio between the bandwidth of each bin % and the frequency difference between successive bins is constant) % wlen: number of samples per frame (must be a multiple of the largest % downsampling factor, typically a large power of 2) % % Output: % X: F x N matrix containing the time-frequency magnitude (amplitude) coefficients % f: F x 1 vector containing the center frequency of each frequency bin %%% Errors and warnings %%% if nargin<4, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [I,T]=size(x); if I>1, error('The input signal must be a row vector.'); end N=ceil(T/wlen); %%% Computing ERBT coefficients %%% x=hilbert(x); X=zeros(F,N); % Determining minimum and maximum frequency fmax=.5*fs; fmin=0; for j=1:100, emin=9.26*log(.00437*fmin+1); emax=9.26*log(.00437*fmax+1); fmin=1.5*(emax-emin)/(F-1)/9.26/.00437*exp(emin/9.26); fmax=.5*fs-1.5*(emax-emin)/(F-1)/9.26/.00437*exp(emax/9.26); if (fmax < 0) || (fmin > .5*fs), error('The number of frequency bins is too small.'); end end % Determining frequency and window length scales emin=9.26*log(.00437*fmin+1); emax=9.26*log(.00437*fmax+1); e=(0:F-1)*(emax-emin)/(F-1)+emin; f=(exp(e/9.26)-1)/.00437; a=.5*(F-1)/(emax-emin)*9.26*.00437*fs*exp(-e/9.26)-.5; % Determining dyadic downsampling bins (for fast computation) fup=f+1.5*fs./(2*a+1); subs=-log(2*fup/fs)/log(2); subs=2.^max(0,floor(min(log2(wlen),subs))); if (wlen/subs(1) ~= floor(wlen/subs(1))), error(['The number of samples per frame must be a multiple of ' int2str(subs(1)) '.']); end down=(subs~=[subs(2:end),1]); for bin=F:-1:1, % Dyadic downsampling if down(bin), x=resample(x,1,2,50); end % Convolution with a modulated sine window hwlen=round(a(bin)/subs(bin)); win=hanning(2*hwlen+1).'.*exp(2i*pi*f(bin)/fs*subs(bin)*(-hwlen:hwlen)); band=[fftfilt(win,[x,zeros(1,2*hwlen)]) zeros(1,wlen/subs(bin))]; % Square-root energy on short time frames band=band(hwlen+1:hwlen+N*wlen/subs(bin)); X(bin,:)=sqrt(sum(reshape(abs(band).^2,wlen/subs(bin),N),1)/(hwlen+1)^2*subs(bin)); end return; function nmat=harm2midi_erbt(W,H,fs,thresh,mindur) % HARM2MIDI_ERBT Processing of harmonic NMF outputs into a note matrix % % nmat=harm2midi_erbt(W,H,fs,thresh,mindur) % % Inputs: % W: F x (nbnotes x nbcomp) matrix containing NMF basis vectors % H: (nbnotes x nbcomp) x N matrix containing NMF time weights % fs : sampling rate % thresh: relative onset amplitude threshold in dB % mindur: minimum note duration in seconds % % Output: % nmat: midi-like matrix of the transcription result (Ken Schutte's MIDI % Toolbox format) n=size(H,2); r=size(W,2); wlen=2^nextpow2(.02*fs); % Pitch definition firstnote=21; lastnote=108; nbnotes=lastnote-firstnote+1; nbcomp=r/nbnotes; pitch=reshape((firstnote:lastnote).'*ones(1,nbcomp),1,nbnotes*nbcomp); % Summation of components with the same pitch k=1; while k <= size(H,1) currpitch = pitch(k); indices = find(pitch(k+1:end)==currpitch); if ~isempty(indices) X=W(:,[k indices+k])*H([k indices+k],:); H(k,:) = sqrt(sum(X.^2)); H(indices+k,:)=[]; pitch(indices+k)=[]; end k = k+1; end r = size(H,1); % Minimal note magnitude and duration thresh=max(max(H))*10^(-thresh/20); mindur=ceil(mindur*fs/wlen); % TH coefficients are 1 for a "note ON" event TH = zeros(r,n); TH(:,1) = all((H(:,1:mindur)>thresh),2); for k=2:n-mindur+1 TH(:,k) = (H(:,k-1)<=thresh) & all((H(:,k:k+mindur-1)>thresh),2); end % DH coefficients are 1 for a "note OFF" event DH = zeros(r,n); for k=mindur:n-1 DH(:,k) = (H(:,k+1)<=thresh) & all((H(:,k-mindur+1:k)>thresh),2); end DH(:,n) = all((H(:,n-mindur+1:n)>thresh),2); % initialize notematrix pos_events = find(TH==1); nb_events = length(pos_events); nmat = zeros(nb_events,8); % builds output matrix for p=1:nb_events [atom,timeon]=ind2sub([r n],pos_events(p)); if timeon > 1, timeon=timeon-(log(H(atom,timeon))-log(thresh))/(log(H(atom,timeon))-log(H(atom,timeon-1))); end timeoff=find(DH(atom,ceil(timeon):end)); timeoff=ceil(timeon)+timeoff(1)-1; if timeoff < n, timeoff=timeoff+(log(H(atom,timeoff))-log(thresh))/(log(H(atom,timeoff))-log(H(atom,timeoff+1))); end nmat(p,3)=pitch(atom); nmat(p,4)=100; nmat(p,5)=(timeon-.5)*wlen/fs; nmat(p,6)=(timeoff-.5)*wlen/fs; end [nmat(:,5),ind]=sort(nmat(:,5)); nmat(:,[1:4 6])=nmat(ind,[1:4 6]); nmat(:,1)=1; nmat(:,2)=0; [time,ind]=sort([nmat(:,5);nmat(:,6)]); for p=1:2*nb_events, nmat(6*nb_events+ind(p))=p; end % delete unrelevant events nmat=nmat((nmat(:,3)>0),:); return;