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Performance Measurement in Blind Source Separation

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Emmanuel Vincent, Rémi Gribonval and Cédric Févotte

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This page provides sound files used in Section IV of the article "Performance measurement in Blind Audio Source Separation"  published in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing.

Abstract: In this article, we discuss the evaluation of Blind Audio Source Separation (BASS) algorithms. Depending on the exact application, different distortions can be allowed between an estimated source and the wanted true source. We consider four different sets of such distortions, from time-invariant gains to time-varying filterings. In each case we decompose the estimated source into a true source part plus error terms corresponding to interferences, additive noise and algorithmic artifacts. Then we derive a global performance measure using an energy ratio, plus a separate performance measure for each error term. These measures are computed and discussed on the results of several BASS problems with various difficulty levels.

This page contains three parts, corresponding to the three examples of Sections IVA, IVB and IVC and to the Tables II, III and IV of the article. For each example, the estimated source s1_est is decomposed as a sum of three terms: s_dist, e_interf and e_artif, that we provide as WAV files for listening. We also provide the WAV file of e_total=e_interf+e_artif. The performance criteria are copied from the article. The results for the other estimated sources are not presented for the sake of brevity.

Instantaneous 2x2 mixture

Mixture: x
Sources: s1   s2
AlgorithmEstimated sourceAllowed distortionTrue source partTotal errorSDRInterferencesSIRArtifactsSAR
JADEs1_estTI Gains_diste_total26 dBe_interf26 dBe_artif75 dB
TFBSSs1_estTI Gains_diste_total53 dBe_interf53 dBe_artif71 dB

Convolutive 2x2 mixture

Mixture: x
Sources: s1   s2
AlgorithmEstimated sourceAllowed distortionTrue source partTotal errorSDRInterferencesSIRArtifactsSAR
FICAs1_estTI Gains_diste_total-11 dBe_interf7 dBe_artif-10 dB
TI Filts_diste_total6 dBe_interf6 dBe_artif20 dB
TV Filts_diste_total3 dBe_interf8 dBe_artif5 dB
OFICAs1_estTI Gains_diste_total-11 dBe_interf12 dBe_artif-10 dB
TI Filts_diste_total11 dBe_interf12 dBe_artif21 dB
TV Filts_diste_total5 dBe_interf14 dBe_artif6 dB

Instantaneous 2x3 mixture

Mixture: x
Sources: s1   s2   s3
AlgorithmEstimated sourceAllowed distortionTrue source partTotal errorSDRInterferencesSIRArtifactsSAR
STFTCs1_estTI Gains_diste_total2 dBe_interf15 dBe_artif3 dB
TI Filts_diste_total5 dBe_interf14 dBe_artif6 dB
TV Filts_diste_total6 dBe_interf11 dBe_artif8 dB
MPCs1_estTI Gains_diste_total4 dBe_interf19 dBe_artif4 dB
TV Filts_diste_total5 dBe_interf13 dBe_artif5 dB
TV Filts_diste_total6 dBe_interf14 dBe_artif7 dB